Who is not ‘Jesus’?

Article No. 18

Jesus Christ never establishes a religion nor wanted followers to start a religion. The religion of Christianity is a matter of business in the name of Jesus for many of so-called churches, but not to all. All Christians are not obeying in the teachings of Jesus, but many non-Christians are obeying and believing in Jesus. Truly, Jesus Christ was the way, truth and life to ultimate wisdom – God, The Almighty – Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. Jesus Christ is the complete and perfect way of salvation by faith and grace for each individual to make an everlasting relationship with God, the father. The message of God, the son Jesus is fundamentally different from any other, but partially similar.

Jesus was born in an unpopular village, as a child of an ordinary woman. He lived in another village as a job of the carpenter. He never wrote a book. He did not have any official capacity. He did not have a family. He not studied in any university. He did not live in any big city. He did not travel more than 200 miles from his native village. He did not perform anything that world consider as a great thing. There is no other testimony than his life. When opinions stated against him, he was just 33 years old. His friends left him. He handed over to the enemy’s hand. The trial was a nominal one. He crucified on nails between two thieves. His murderers put a lot for his dress, his only asset. When he died, his body put into the tomb of a friend, who has mercy on him. Then, he ascended into heaven. Now, 20 centuries passed still he is the centre point of humanity.

Justice without Eternity in incomplete
If there is an ultimate justice, there is an afterlife. Complete justice and righteousness are possible only through the eternity of people’s life. If eternity is not there, Hitler will not be punished for his atrocities. Also, justice for the death of innocents will be possible only if eternity is there. Justice without eternity is incomplete. Ultimate justice is very essential for a meaning full life. So ultimate justice and afterlife are possible, only if there is a God. As God is not physical, the physical world is not only the reality. As a human, we are part of both the physical world of reality and the non-physical world of reality. Ours’ soul i.e. non-physical reality survives after the death of our body i.e. physical reality.

Only self-sacrifice for other's evil acts
As long as we live on this planet earth, we need a justification to our evil acts for salvation of non-physical reality. Considering different religions, justification carried out by sacrifices throughout entire human history. That means, human evil acts compensated by sacrifices for justifications to salvation. But Jesus turned upside down of this custom and procedure for justification to salvation. He declared himself as a self-sacrificing person for justification to the salvation of each individual in the world. Jesus is the only person in the entire history of human, declared that I sacrifice my life for the sin of others. This salvation can achieve by faith alone, not by work or not by religion or not by any physical change. But change is needed in way of life and accepting the salvation of Jesus by faith. The religion of Christianity is a matter of business in the name of Jesus for many of so-called churches, but not to all. However, the relationship with God through the complete salvation of Jesus is a matter of fact. And it is essential for a meaningful and purposeful life. This is the formula for completeness in life.

Sufferings, Evils and Deaths
Three unsolved problems of human are Sufferings, Evils and Deaths. Pains are part of life and highly essential for distinguishing between good and evil or right and wrong. If there is no God, there would be no absolute standard of Good in an objective manner. Sufferings, Evils and Deaths problems never solved in history and not going to solve in future. Whatever science and technologies can develop, but it is impossible to solve these problems permanently.

However, acceptance of complete salvation and changing our way of life according to God’s standard; will help a person to handle and manage life’s unwelcoming complex, difficult and unpredictable circumstances of Sufferings, Evils and Deaths. Destiny and focus of life are not just limited in the physical world of reality, but the non-physical world of reality too. Therefore, Sufferings, Evils and Deaths can handle and manage based on the assurance of complete salvation of life. Life is not where we are going through right now but where we are going to in future.

Teachings of Jesus
Great Commandment of Jesus Christ is “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the first and great commandment. The second most important commandment is like it: “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.”
Fundamental teachings of the doctrine of Jesus is about two relationships i.e. relationship of people to God and the relationship between fellow people. Both are essential for a Good and Healthy society. All of the laws and messages of Jesus expects to make good people by strengthening these two relationships. 

The second coming of Jesus
In the study of Eschatology, there is a final judgment for all in this physical world at end times. Before the final Judgment, there will be ‘Rapture’ and ‘Second Coming’. The Rapture will occur when Jesus Christ returns for his believers, not for nominal Christians. This is when all true believers in Christ will be taken from the earth by God into heaven. This will be very interesting that many people (believers in Jesus, not nominal Christians) will disappear from this physical world. If a pilot gets complete salvation, he would go up and the flight will go down. TV news channels will be flooded with news on missing people from around the world.

‘Great Tribulation Period’ is a relatively short period of time that experience worldwide hardships, disasters, famine, war, pain, and suffering, which will wipe out more than 75% of all life on the earth before the Second Coming takes place. The Second Coming will happen when Jesus Christ returns to defeat the antichrist, overthrow evil and then establish his thousand-year reign on earth, which is called ‘Millennial Reign’. Then, the final judgement will occur and eventually starts the eternal kingdom of God.

Meaning and purpose of life
The actualization of life can be experienced and achieved only by a meaningful and purposeful life with complete salvation. It is absolutely impossible without God in our life. Purpose of life can simply state that “Being more good to reach more order”. People born with chaos and vulnerabilities, but due to the Doctrine & Discipline in absolute morality from God make them be more good. Meaning of life can simply state that "It's transcending in nature by Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable experiences as a human being". When people try to become more successful than good, it enhances chaos and eventually leads to a loss of purpose in life. Also when people see the physical world in limited nature of experiences by feelings and emotions, it further leads to a meaningless life. So God, Universe, Earth, Men & Women etc. have a cause, meaning and purpose.

(It is my ultimate desire to meet and live in eternity with all my family members, friends and relatives as we care together, support together, play together and enjoy together on this planet earth)

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
Email : nithinaf@gmail.com


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