
My Articles:
ആഡംഭര പള്ളി നിർമ്മാണവും അച്ഛന്മാരുടെയും പാസ്റ്റര്മാരുടെയും ദശാംശ തട്ടിപ്പും ഈ കാഘട്ടത്തിൽ ദൈവത്തിന്റെ പേരിലുള്ള കൊള്ളയാണ്(Click to read more)

My Sermon Notes(To view click here)

Message of Salvation:

Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ,

The purpose of a person's life is to fulfil his mission in this world. So we need to understand and work on our individual mission about our surrounding world.

Man is created by God for fulfilling his acts. But earlier, man violated the teachings of God and did sin. This expelled him from the presence of God and his premises as well as vicinity. Thus the man lost his personal relationship with God.

After many generations, Jesus born as son of God to pay back the sin done by man. He is crucified for the sin done by man. This sacrifice was not just for a few people’s sin but for all people who believe in him.

So the only way of salvation of a person is Jesus Christ. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Therefore the completeness of life can be achieved by believe in Jesus. Jesus was not a just a God of Christians, but he was the part and parcel of history as AD era started after BC ends. And today, most of the Christians do not have the way of life as Jesus taught. So believe in Jesus is not becoming Christian but making to become a complete person.  Here, it is very important that we have to fully obey the teachings and commandments of Lord Jesus Christ.

This reconnects earlier lost personal relationship with God and will have an eternal life, peace and true joy.

Thus, our mission in this world can be completely accomplished in the right path. Then everyone can understand and experience the true meaning of life in this world and the world yet to come.

Thank you and God may bless you.

My Message: Build our life on rock:

My dear brothers and sisters,
Once upon a time, while reading the Matthew 7th chapter. God enlightened my mind of thought at the verses 24 & 25. i.e., “Therefore whosoever hears these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

Matthew: 5:6,7 chapters are very important to me. I had memorised these chapters. I like these chapters very much. But, here I like to describe how we can build a fruitful life in this earth. Bible says: “You are the temple of God”. So we must keep our body in holy. And built our life diligently and wisely. Here a wise man is building a house on the rock. So it will not be affected by any natural calamities. We are the believers of Jesus. And bible says: Jesus is the rock. So we must build our house of life on him. So we get the whole protection from the devil’s calamities & temptation.

I like the word "build" very much. Because everything in the universe has been constructed by God. Construction is a very important thing in all the time. Depending upon the construction, we can determine whether is it good or not. I strictly believe that every construction in the earth is only under the permission of God. So we must need an awareness and knowledge about how we can construct our life. And how we can help others to build their life. There is no short cut for that, and it should be related to two things, 1. Find out the ultimate God. 2. And worship him. By these two process every person will be a successful one.

We should keep our heart always in pure. And be justice, be righteous, be honest, be moral always and believe in Jesus and obey his commandments and teachings. Then you will get eternal life.

In this ministry, “Builders of New Generation”, we are planning to build a new generation with always joy in Jesus Christ. I don’t believe in any religion or cast. But I believe in the ultimate constructor of this universe called GOD. I am trying to reach ultimately to him. And I wish all the very best to my dears in Christ. And in Jesus name. Amen.

Construct Kingdom of God in modern technological world by advanced technology coming from the wisdom of the GOD.


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