
My Views and Understandings about "Family"

==On Marriage and Family==

Marriage and family is making heaven on earth. It’s the covenant between husband and wife under living God. Selecting and getting the life partner as God planned is a great thing. Searching for life partner should be about selecting, not to being selected. It is better to be alone with God than be with feminists kind of woman or man. But great man in God and great woman in God make their family colourful as in heaven.

Family is the picture of mother cooking for someone who loves, it’s the laugh of a baby, strength of a father. Family is the space of loving hearts, light from happy eyes, kindness, loyalty, love one another. Home is the first school I ever attended. I didn’t go to public school to learn how to pray, how to behave to others, how to keep integrity, how to understand the world, how to distinguish right & wrong, what is good in the sight of God and what is not acceptable in the sight of God and so on. All these I learn from my parents. Family is the place we go to when hungry, hurt, sick, rejected by the world, feel loneliness. Family will open the doors of heaven. They will anoint our wound with oil with gladness and arms around us. As John Hagee said.

Problems and issues in families as similar to every walks of a human life. But in family, it should not go beyond a sun set.

In a family, it is not good of being husband and wife having equal positions and rights. I believe that family is the foundation of all living entities in this world. And in sociology, family is considered as an institution. Also I believe that stability of an institution depends on collective responsibility of a dominant leader. So in a family, for stability; one should have dominancy in family, i.e. collective responsibility of a dominant leader. Firm equality of husband and wife never going to materialise the stability (i.e. even a democratic cabinet also having a Prime/Chief Minister). Equality in family is the most major reason for increasing number of dissolution of marriages. Here I would like to quote APJ Abdul Kalam's words: "Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, there is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world." So I firmly believe that family must be stable for the order of nation and world peace.

In Bible family hierarchy clearly written, Ephesians 5: 22 “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it”.

==Why should marry? or Purpose of marriage==

1.  Each individual need a life companion to live comfortably in this world
2.  To produce next generation
3. Highest source of meaning in life 

N.B: It is also the first command of God (Genesis: 1: 28 "Be fruitful and multiply). Sexual relationship is an idea of God, for maintaining primarily first two above said reasons happily and enjoyably.

==When should marry?==

1. After realization of "Why should I marry?”
2. Prepare ourselves to become a best spouse.
3. Meet "The One" as early as possible. 

==12 Rules for Better Family==

           1. Maintain hierarchy
            2. Physical presence should be more than 50% of a day
            3. No privacy in electronics gadgets and social media access; i.e. even passwords must be shared
            4. Cooking, washing, cleaning, agriculture etc. such all household activities must not done by outsiders
            5. Be open always to any discussion, not doubt at all
            6. Violations, lies and hides must not be there
            7. Creative and constructive in criticism and discussions should be regular
            8. Least in individuality and selfishness
            9. Prayer and Food should be together
            10. Be a school to learn and practice about God, Commandments, values, ideologies, approaches and attitudes.
            11. Problems, issues and conflicts not extend beyond next sunset
            12. Must be a comforting zone from all kind of worldly problems

==12 Rules for a Better Husband & Fatherhood==

1.      Allow God to be the Master of family
2.      Be Priest, Prophet and King to the family
3.      Lead the family in spiritually and physically
4.      Love his wife with commitment and dedication without mocking, insulting & underestimating her parents
5.      Fulfil all needs of wife, not her lead
6.      Improve and maintain strong socioeconomic stability
7.      Be an example to children
8.      Punish child if it needed then make aware them about necessity.
9.      Make sure 100% needs of child and only 25% wants of child
10.  Teach his offspring to distinguish good from bad
11.  Domestic agriculture/garden, other hard household activities must be fulfilled 
12.  Maintain discipline in the family

==12 Rules for a Better Wife & Motherhood==

1. Be a God fearing mother and lead children to God and prayerful life.
2. Respect husband that makes discipline in children
3. Punish child if it needed then make aware them about necessity.
4. Make sure 100% needs of child and only 25% wants of child
5. Teach her offspring to distinguish good from bad
6. Not make quarrel or disrespect with husband in front of child or others
7. Don't do anything hidden from husband and in front of child
8. Be a comforter to children and husband
9. Cook food regularly at home without any hesitation, and try new recipes
10. Be satisfied with what you have
11. Don't pressurise children or husband
12. Don't criticise husband or children in front of others.

==On Love Marriages==

Fall in love is not a sin, but love at first sight is risky. It must be proceed only with the consent of parents. It is inappropriate that educational institutions are using for selection and exercising romantic activity. Education institutions have an exclusive purpose that learn something, it needed high level of devotion to studies. Also, as a student spends money from parents, they must loyal to parents and fulfil their desire about. Love affairs in educational institutions mostly makes some kind of diversion from their actual potential of life.

The inevitability of love marriage is very high in these time of social chaos. It is very difficult to understand people in arranged marriage with in a short span of time. Trust deficit among the people is all time high now. Therefore, love marriage with parent's consent is recommended. If somebody fall in love with someone in an institution, they should not extend their relationship beyond the campus until getting properly married. Before giving a promise to lover, must consult parents and get consent from them. And make sure that do not brake the love in the midway to marriage. Then and only proceed with love marriage.

New Generation people do not aware about real potential, power and mental strength behind Romance, instead they are concentrating on utilising mutual sexual desire. This tendency will leads to total disaster of social decorum and personal commitment to the society as well nation and world.

As family is a social institution, there must be a hierarchy. This hierarchy is very essential for stable family system. It is foolish and immature that husband and wife are to be equal. Also found that the hierarchy is absent in the modern love marriages. Therefore from the beginning itself both must have a hierarchy in their relation.

Most of the love marriages in contemporary time makes husband dog of his wife. Due to this reversal order (not dog relation) they are less happy & less satisfied. Order must be reversed i.e. husband must be the head of the family for stable, joyful and satisfied life.

In a Psychological study conducted by Gupta and Singh revealed that romantic love decreased people marry for love (See the graph below). A study in India compared arranged marriages to those in which the spouses married because they were in love. Just as the average American marriage, romantic love decreased substantially as the years went by after people married for love.

Regulation and discipline are very essential in every walks of life including love affair and married life. There is a very high probability that children of love married couples to opt love marriage option in their future. So if someone opt love marriage must have a clear integrity in their relationship. It must be a role model for their children. Otherwise, children may be most probably become to do wrong more than their parents did. They cannot control or guide their children. It will leads to the collapse of family system and peace.

As experienced people says, marital life is not as much as colourful as unmarried people thinks. But if God bless a relationship; it will be a replica of heaven on earth, otherwise replica of hell.

==Affair/Emotional Infidelity==

Typically, an affair is considered a betrayal of trust. An affair is a sexual relationship, romantic friendship, or passionate attachment between two people without the attached person's significant other knowing. An emotional affair generally starts innocently enough as a friendship. Through investing emotional energy and time with one another outside the marital relationship, the former platonic friendship can begin to form a strong emotional bond which hurts the intimacy of the spousal relationship (for married people) or parent-child relationship (for unmarried people) or even future sacred marital relationship. Infidelity doesn't necessarily have to involve a sexual relationship. But deeper emotional attachment and/or sexual undertones, which is carried out via chat, phone talk, webcam, email, text, and other forms of communication will kill the sacred meaning of marital relationship. It applies to both married and unmarried. The emotional connection and sensual nature of the affair can strain the committed relationships one or both participants are in either present or future. In married people the betrayal of trust to the spouse, but in unmarried people the betrayal of trust to parents and family including the person that going to marry in future.  

The mobile phone is the major medium to start, keep and maintain Emotional Infidelity/Affair. If once an evil seed of thought of affair enters into heart, mobile phone makes the opportunity to grow forward. While there are those who believe that an emotional affair is harmless, most marriage experts view an emotional affair as cheating without having a sexual relationship for both married and unmarried people. Love marriage is getting relevant for present situations of chaos and mistrust, but there are many risk factors in the Indian context. Either arranged or love marriage wisdom and understandability to choose the partner is the matter. But the affair is evil and dangerous.

Instant Messaging apps like WhatsApp in the smartphone makes the mobile phone more vulnerable to people with lack of distinguishability and understandability. It misuses people’s weak emotions. In instant messaging apps, user can think more time and opportunity to respond/edit than a normal phone call, so it is more dangerous than a phone call in terms of Emotional Infidelity/Affair.

Great unmarried men and great unmarried women will wait for their marital relationship for having sex. Great married men and great married women will limit their sexual desire in their marital relationship only. This makes them truly holy marital enjoyment and experiences with full potentials. It is also the wish of God.

==On number of children in a family==

Number of children in families must be three to five. Because

1.       Based on sociologically or demographically, if a couple have only two children, they just only replaced themselves. A society needs fertility rate 2.1 to continue to exist. So that more than two children in a family is essential to prevent our society from depopulation or end of humanity.
2.       God teaches in Bible that get married, be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it. Multiply mean need more than two, having two children; they just replacing.
3.       It is very essential to develop a community among children. Because they are not allowed to mingle with misleading people in the world. So children must have a mutual community development in home itself. It creates more harmony in family and among the children. It needs five children to maintain a community life in a family among children.

==Sex and Relationships==

Real marital relationships are spiritual endeavour. Marriage and family is making heaven on earth. It replenished by one of the strong forces in the universe literally called sex. Sex must be with right purpose and which is only permitted among marital relationship. Slut culture is ruining marriage and family. Sexual immoralities and sexual relationship beyond marital relationship are punishable by God.

Intimacy and love making are essential and mandatory in marital relationship. It make strong bondage between husband and wife. It is established by God, our creator; for having joyful life, satisfied and worry free life on the earth. Great unmarried men and great unmarried women will wait for their marital relationship for having sex. Great married men and great married women will limit their sexual desire in their marital relationship only. This makes them truly holy marital enjoyment and experiences with full potentials. It is also the wish of God.

==On Men and Women==

Men and Women are the most important and beautiful creation of God. They are never equal. But they have differential responsibility with definite purpose. Men and women are different in their brain, hormones, enzymes, energy, temperament, chromosome etc. Men have natural qualities such as conscientiousness, energy, risk-taking, leadership etc. Women have natural qualities such as openness, agreeableness, upper hand in verbal communication, caring, loving, commitment to relationship, child bearing etc. As far as women, motherhood and homemaking are the most important spiritual activities of human kind. In modern world, feminise men for utopian notion of equality and peace. It is dangerous for upcoming generation.

There are great women in the history shows their talent and ability in different areas. They must be respected. But it should not replace men and their responsibilities for utopian notion of equality and dignity. It will result in less efficient output in different areas. Differential responsibility with definite purpose must be properly harnessed.

Political correctness is a stupid thing. Replacing men by women for equal opportunity by quota system or reservation system is unscientific and less effective. It makes both men and women less happy and less satisfied. There is a trend that masculinise women and feminise men. It makes men more passive than his natural qualities of activeness. It’s too dangerous to years to come.

Great women never try to replace men or compete to defeat his natural qualities. Instead she will harness her natural qualities which makes heaven on earth.

==On Dress of Women==

Psychologically, there are two kinds of stimuli in human beings which cause to sexual arousals. 1. Visual stimuli. 2. Cognitive stimuli. Visual stimuli dominant in men and Cognitive stimuli dominant in women for sexual arousals. Cognitive stimuli are feelings, emotions, mood, talk etc. That means men are interested in things rather women interested in relationships. Men are programmed by nature to respond sexually to the visuals.

Dress, purpose of clothing is to cover the body. Some women not know this purpose of dress and they wear cloth exposed and revealed manner of their body. By doing this they are enjoying but more enjoyment to those men who see this. It is a give and take policy like cow and crow. Its ridicules to great men and great women. In fact, great women never wear these kind of exposed or revealed kind of dress that not fulfilling the purpose of dress. Also great men never enjoy this kind of stupidity.

So that it is the duty and responsibility of women to properly clothed herself to maintain civility in the public life.

==On Planned Parenthood==

Planned Parenthood is the result of propaganda of radical social liberals. It’s the stupid idea by violating order of the nature and treating husband and wife as a machines for economic gain or feminist ideology. When a man and woman get married, as soon as possible, they should have children, it should not be postponed anyway. Intimacy, love making bondage very high at the young age, it must be use for most precious duty on earth to produce next generation. It is established by God. So that we have to fulfill at earliest possible time, just after marriage.

If wife who is stupid feminist, who want no children, who want husband to drag around like a dog on the end of the rope. Run, get away from her; she is a plague. Planned Parenthood is the symptom for the same.

My Views and Understandings of "Life"

Meaning & Purpose of Life

"Be more good to reach more order".
  • People born with chaos, socialization of religious study(Doctrine & Discipline) make them to be more good.
"It's transcending in nature by Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable experiences as a human being".

NB: People lost purpose of life to be more success than good, it enhances chaos.
       People lost meaning of life into limited nature of experiences by feelings and emotions. 
       Being and Behaving are very important in life of human.

Basic Necessities of Human

1. Seek & Worship The Ultimate Higher Authority as well as The Rule Giver
2. Family

3. Food, Cloth and Shelter

4. Teach one's offspring to distinguish good from bad

5. Avoid offence

6. Shun ignorance

7. Free will

    Advanced or Secondary Necessity of Human

    • Improve ourselves with respect to ourselves.

      People must have

      1. Religious study(Doctrine & Discipline), to get morals from God
      2. Common Sense
      3. Free will 
      4. Reasoning (Optional, Philosophically for strengthening ideas)

      People must be

      1. Good
      2. Right
      3. Happy
      4. Satisfied
      5. Stable

      People should not be at all

               1. Liar

               2. Arrogant

        Good, Right and Truth

        Good is ultimate pure action in sacred and unique way.

        Right is the measure of Truth. Only one is right that is Good and Truth. But if one failed or tainted then can be better one not good one based on past, situation and regret. Here, right helps to go further in right way in future. Then, can be good in transcending future.

        Goal Setting

        Mainly in Career, also applicable anywhere in life

                    Setting of goal must be based on after proper thorough assessment of our innate abilities mainly such as IQ(Intelligence Quotient) and creativity. Also based on analysis of your previous performance in life. If IQ is high, they can be more on that arena. If creativity is high, they can also go forward in innovative and unexplored areas. Everyone should know his/her strength and weakness. Enthusiastically hard-work to enhance their strength and overlook his/her weakness.

        Never set goal based on Passion/Ambition/Dream/Motivation/Stories of others. Do not take all these as source for set your goal, but you can be use all these as aid for moving forward after set your goal based on innate abilities and analysis your previous performance in life. It will help us to lead a meaningful and purposeful life with happy and satisfaction. Otherwise, we will be frustrated in life and never going to settle in life. 

        Our decisions come from where?

        Our decisions can be three types:
        1. Based on "Nature" theory of human behaviour or Biology or Neurochemical reactions or emotions or feelings
        2. Based on "Nurture" theory of human behaviour or Socialization or Learning or others said
        3. Based on "Free will"

        Free will
        It is the choice based decision after complete consideration of outcome & consequences. People are basically limited to get complete consideration of outcome & consequences due to lake of experiences in their life, knowledge and wisdom. That is why laws from God is so important to meaningful, good and happy life.

        Relevance of laws with respect to Free Will
        Law helps us to choose right decision before complete consideration of outcome & consequences. It is very easy, compared to decision based on Free Will. Both are based on reason and always right.

        Behaviour(i.e. responses)
        All our behaviour (i.e. responses) come from above stated three ways. But as a human with flesh & influences from this world will not be ideal due to pull of "Nature" i.e. neurochemical influences or "Nurture" influences from our surrounding world. Therefore we need laws from God, sacrifice of Jesus and guidance of Holy Spirit. Laws help us to distinguish right and wrong, Jesus crucified in advance for our sins and Holy Spirit helps us to stay in consistency.

        Common Sense

        • Common sense is not common to all(Shankar sir, 2017)
        • It develop through socialization from religious doctrines
        • Rational thinking and critical analysis make it works 
        • Intellectual Consciences and spirit of science are essential 
        • Tested with fundamental theories and historical records  


        Cannot blame God because,
        Two kinds of evils
        1. Evil by nature
          1. E.g.: Earth quack, flood, diseases etc.
        2. Evil by human
          1. E.g.: Murder, harassment etc.
        Evil by nature: It can be evil when a slandered is operating between evil and good.
        That standard is based on God's moral. Otherwise, all are naturals. Non-believer in God cannot applicable Evil by nature, for them all are natural.
        Evil by human: God is not responsible for evil by human. Man is responsible for evil. 

        NB: Lies are beginnings and root of evil.(Inspired from PragerU)


        I am not against Entertainment. But I am a proponent and practicing Life of Rejoice.
        There are lot of differences between Entertainment and Rejoice.

        where the Entertainment comes from?

        Entertainment = Affluent X Boredom

        A serious person, generally not get boredom; then not need Entertainment.  

        Judge People

        • If you see anything 100% perfect in this world or in man or in things, then there is a problem in your analytical ability.
        • Cannot judge people on what they said in privately. It’s the real you before God. But fellow human being know the real you based on how you act. If we had recording of everything said and did in privately, it will be awkward. (Inspired from Dennis Prager). 

        Reasoning & Religion

        Our decisions and outcomes must be actionable with reasoning as well as religious morality.

        Both reason and religion, we need: Because,

        • Stealing in want is reasonable, but it's wrong in religious discipline.
        • Wrong reasons are corrected by Religious discipline.

          Happy = Joy

          Happy is a Scandinavian word, that gratification based on what happens to you and surround you. When it become immediate gratification, Happy is meaningless. So, not limit meaning of happy into Scandinavian context.

          Pursuit of Happiness is our right and obligation. So it must be something above to immediate gratification.

          Happy = Joy is gratification based on meaning and purpose of life.

          • Being joyful is a moral obligation to others
          • Not feel happy, but be joyful
          • "We are happy(joy) as we decided to be" - Lincoln

           Competitions in life

            • Competition based on passion will lead two kind of result or people
              1. Non-committed work force
                1. Corruption
                2. Non-innovation
              2. Not enjoyable work experience
                1. No personal enjoyment
                2. Work only for money and prestige
            • Competitive examination is a bad idea, because large number of people appearing with diverse abilities in a single way. It neither tests their abilities nor efficiency for particular job post.
            Competition should be
            • Test ability and skills for particular role in their job
            • Abilities and Skills are not testing competitive examinations of contemporary time
            • There for no correlation between score in competitive exams and their work outcomes.
            Daily business/How to improve ourselves in our daily works or jobs 
            Stage 1. Increase quantity day by day
            Stage 2. After reaching the saturated level, then concentrate to enhance the quality
            Stage 3. Then get quality is saturated, after apply innovations
            • Compare ourselves with respect to our previous minute, hour or day based on above stated stages
            • All these stages can also apply simultaneously.

            My Personal Policy

            ==Policy on Women/Girls==

            I am not a liberal or broad minded on this policy. Of course, I am truly a conservative and narrow minded person in this regards(If somebody thinks so). I am following Billy Graham Rule (in which they avoid spending time alone with women to whom they are not married) with exception of clinical practices. On behalf of this I really love old times and social situations before AD 2000 in Kerala.

            I respect women/girls that I realized they have maturity, understanding, seriousness and responsibility. Firstly, these are judged by their attire. Example: If a women/girls clip their shall on their shoulder, I may have special respect to them.

            In a family, it is not good of being husband and wife having equal positions and rights. I believe that family is the foundation of all living entities in this world. And in sociology, family is considered as an institution. Also I believe that stability of an institution depends on collective responsibility of a dominant leader. So in a family, for stability; one should have dominance in the family, i.e. collective responsibility of a dominant leader. Firm equality of husband and wife never going to materialize the stability (i.e. even a democratic cabinet also having a Prime/Chief Minister). Equality in family is the most major reason for increasing number of dissolution of marriages. Here I would like to quote APJ Abdul Kalam's words: "Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, there is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world." So I firmly believe that family must be stable for the order of nation and world peace.

            Feminism and feminists are the real enemy of women/girls. Some people(feminist) are doing something only  for their popularity or media attention or political gain. They are actually deceiving women/girls. Potentials, peculiarities and responsibilities of man and woman never can be comparable and equitable, i.e. equals can be treated equally and unequal can't be treated equally.

            I spend my years in schools(RCLPS Keezharoor, Govt HSS Marayamuttom, LMS HSS Amaravila, Govt Boys HSS Neyyattinkara), then College (Govt Engineering College Wayanad), then IELTS preparation in MJBT, Kalpatta, Wayanad, then Job in Sutherland Cochin, then my academics in Mar Ivanious College Trivandrum, then my preparations for Civil Service Exam at Kerala State Civil Service Academy, Trivandrum, Shankar IAS Academy, Kerala University Library, then Clinical Psychology Internship at Ananthapuri Hospitals and Research Institute, Trivandrum, Government Mental Health Center, Peroorkada, Trivandrum, etc. In all these places I have been limited by myself from any unholy alliance to any women/girls in front of the God. I never had any kind of unholy relationship with any women/girls. Generally, I speak with women/girls only matters related to academics or professional. It is only limited with in the premises of concerned institution, never extended to Tea Shop, Cool Bar, Road side, Park, Bus/train etc. I never give lift of my bike to any women/girls other than my mother, aunt and grandmother. Also I don't use lift alone with a woman/girl; if a woman/girl enter while I am alone in the lift, I will get off from the lift and wait for next opportunity.

            I would like to follow the general principle in life that It is not enough of just doing good and right, but we have to make sure to others that we are doing really good and right.

            ==Social Media Policy==

            I left facebook(24/09/2017) and WhatsApp(15/11/2017), because of time consuming and mind diverting in irrelevant matters. Social media has lost its earlier credibility because of trolls, untruth, half-truth and so on. On 31 December, 2019, I restarted WhatsApp for limited use due inevitable necessity at Mental Health Center, Trivandrum. Messages/chats read and respond only after I got direct prior intimation through any other ways. I restarted Facebook on 24/03/2020 in very limited use.

            If you want to inform me anything or contact me, then please call me or e-mail me.

            Financial/Monitory Policy

            Creativity and universal phenomena are normally distributed in the world population. But production in Pareto Distribution i.e. a power-law probability distribution that is used in the description of social, scientific, geophysical, actuarial, and many other types of observable phenomena. Originally applied to describing the distribution of wealth in a society, fitting the trend that a large portion of wealth is held by a small fraction of the population, the Pareto distribution has colloquially become known and referred to as the Pareto principle, or "80-20 rule", and is sometimes called the "Matthew principle". This rule states that, for example, 80% of the wealth of a society is held by 20% of its population.

            So people must have the wisdom to make wealth and to spend it. Rule. 1. Everybody must have more habit and interest to make money rather than spend it. Rule. 2. Spend money only made; borrowing money for any kind of spending is not recommendable. Rule. 3. Saving/Investment in both in currency and gold equally. Rule. 4. Try today to make 1 more money than yesterday i.e. consistently tries to enhance the territory of your family. Rule. 5. At least 10% of the money should spend on the wishes of God.  

            ==Eat and Drink Policy==

            I am not having any kind of beverages both Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic including tea/coffee. I drink tea/coffee if and only if suffering due to fever or any other kind of disease like head ache etc. Fruity and milky juices are occasionally drinking. Pork or pork contained food are completely banned to me. Also I am not having any kind of eatables/drinks from Churches and Temples; like so called blessed items from Velankanni Church or any other churches, Aravana and other prasadams from Sabarimala or any other temples.

            ==On Menstruation is impure or not?==

            Some people still not able to distinguish between holy and unholy or pure and impure. Certainly, this is the fundamental problem of many people. Human body has many kind of excretions from different functions and process such as cough, saliva, urine, stool and including menstrual fluid. All these are being discharged as waste materials from body. In the case of Menstruation, if eggs failed to get fertilised, then useless materials ejected from body to out. This excretes and excretions never can be considered as holy or pure. It is definitely impure and unholy. Dishonest pseudo progressive people misleading the facts and truths. ‘Considering waste and process of ejecting waste materials as holy and pure’ is a foolish thing. Such people may have some psychological problem or drowned under the stupid propaganda and ideology of atheists or radical social liberals.

            ==On Sexual violence and #MeToo==

            More than 86% of the people in cases registered under rape in NCRB(National Crime Records Bureau); have prior relationship between accused(male) and petitioner(female). Most of them having different kind of sexual activities prior to this particular complaint. From this, it is evident that petitioner (women) had many times pleasure and lot of enjoyments and later turned into rape when she is denied to get previous enjoyment/pleasure/other kind of gains or repentance of her wrong doings in her life. Almost all sexual activities happen in mutual consent.

            If petitioner (female) filed the complaint within 24 hour of the incident with physical injury, then it can be considered as a genuine case. Otherwise, it had happened on mutual consent.

            #MeToo movement is a publicity stunt, self-mastering technique and exploiting men on mutually involved activity with consent. It will never going to reduce sexual crimes, because all most all sexual activities happening on mutual interest and consent. Most of the #MeToo women are in menopause age.

            Therefore, if it want to reduce sexual crimes, punish both male and female equally for sexual activities beyond their marital relationship. Then, sexual crimes will automatically come down.

            Men and women can be seen in biological character of sex i.e. it is greater among men and less in women based on visual stimuli and cognitive stimuli. Naturally men have more attention to sex but women have more attention to love, relationship, emotions, feelings, moods and care for children etc. These biological and natural peculiarities cannot be avoided. Therefore feminism is not enough for fighting against sexual violence.

            Other Sexual violence (such as non-consensual) basically start from different kind of stimulations. It may start from seeing a film, picture, advertisements, improperly dressed women/girls (exposed/revealed kinds of dress i.e. purpose of clothing is not fulfilled - main reason) etc. Causes of stimulation may not react to the same person at the same instant in the most of the cases, it relieved later in some way or other way leads to sexual violence; i.e. victim may not be a cause of stimulation. It is clear that causes of stimulation to sexual violence start from one way or other way form women/girls itself.

            Therefore, it is better to reduce sexual violence, the causes of stimulations must be reduced and punish both men and women equally in mutually involved sexual cases outside marriage.

            ==On Atheism==
            Atheist people are foolish people in the world and having over all IQ less than zero.  These people are one out of three main reason radical growth of social chaos. They never submissive to anyone. Such people does not like order/discipline/regulation/rules in life. Also not having fear of God and laws. They think that they are evolved from ape that no evidence and no one see the transition. Never a dog gives birth to cat or any other animals, it will always be dog. One of the foolish in history of science is "Theory of Evolution". It is not science but religion which not met criteria of scientific study i.e. observable, measurable & replicable. Irony is that it is teaching in public school by tax collected from public.

            ==On Liberalism/Humanism==

            Philosophical statement declare that end of all being is the happiness of man. The reason for existence is the man's happiness. It is always self centric in nature and cause to growth of selfishness among the people. Selfie culture is the recent development in this regards. Selfie photos mostly provide fake face and personality of a person. But in reality, these kind of happiness will die out with in a short span of time. 

            Now, according to Liberalism/Humanism that salvation/discipline/regulation are simply a matter of getting all happiness cannot have in a life. But fact is, liberty without God leads  to total chaos in society as well as in nation and world.

            This kind of ever growing, extending and expanding versions of liberalism/humanism is one out of three main reason behind radical growth of chaos in the society. 

            So it is better to love salvation/discipline/regulation in all walks of life. Also be willing to obey elder people and respect others.

            We need everlasting peace and happiness that only God can provide.

            ==On Feminism==

            Feminism is making a women to behaves like a man. It is inappropriate and one out of three main reason for radical growth of chaos in the society.

            Feminism and feminists are the real enemy of women/girls. Some people(feminist) are doing something only  for their popularity or media attention or political gain. They are actually deceiving women/girls. Potentials, peculiarities and responsibilities of man and woman never can be comparable and equitable, i.e. equals can be treated equally and unequal can't be treated equally.

            It is better to having old social system that had differential responsibility to husband and wife. So the duties and responsibilities of husband is not equal to wife, therefore each one should fulfil their portion of work diligently in the family.

            It is an universal fact that women favours decision of men and women does not favour decision of women.

            Unequals of men and women can be seen in biological character of sex i.e. it is greater among men and less in women. Naturally men have more attention to sex but women have more attention to love, relationship, emotions, feelings, moods and care for children etc. These biological and natural peculiarities can not be avoided. Therefore feminism is not enough for fighting against sexual violence.

            Sexual violence basically start from different kind of causes of stimulation. It may start from seeing a film, picture, advertisements, improperly dressed women/girls(exposed/revealed kinds of dress i.e. purpose of clothing is not fulfilled - main reason) etc. Causes of stimulation may not react to the same person at the same instant in the most of the cases, it relieved later in someway or other way leads to sexual violence; i.e. victim may not be a cause of stimulation. It is clear that causes of stimulation to sexual violence start from one way or other way form women/girls itself. Therefor, it is better to reduce sexual violence, the causes of stimulations must be reduced and punish both men and women equally in mutually involved sexual cases outside marriage.

            Feminist mythology teaches "Men have oppressed women". And they propagated words with ideology such as patriarchy, stereotype, social taboo etc. 

            Husband and wife together can make the world better place. Feminism is failure in radical growth of social chaos. Husband and wife should have differential responsibility and integral output for making a meaningful society. It is not like a win-win situation for both, because this arrangements may sacrifice to one and beneficial for other and vice versa. So they together making the world and life better.

            ==On Women Equality & Gender Equality==

            We need Women Equality, not Gender Equality. Men and Women are entirely different in so many important and essential aspects.  They are never equal. But they have differential responsibility with definite purpose. Men and women are different in their brain, hormones, enzymes, energy, temperament, chromosome etc. Men have natural qualities such as energy, risk-taking, leadership etc. Women have natural qualities such as openness, agreeableness, upper hand in verbal communication, caring, loving, commitment to relationship, child bearing etc. As far as women, motherhood and homemaking are the most important spiritual activities of human kind. In modern world, feminise men for utopian notion of equality and peace. It is dangerous for upcoming generation.

            Women should be empowered with respect other women in the society in their natural qualities and potentials, not war or compete with men. If they make war or compete with men, women will never get a good, healthy, happy, stable and satisfied life. Because Gender Equality is fundamentally wrong and liberal-atheist-leftist ideology without any objectivity. So we need Women Equality to empower society and next generation. 

            ==On Women Bishop/Priest/Pastor==

            In bible, 1 Timothy 2: 10 – 12

            But, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

            Also, 1 Corinthians 14: 33 – 35
            For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.

                            Some churches inducted women bishop/priest/pastor, it is totally wrong as per bible. This ideology originated from radical social liberalism and atheism. I am totally against women doing activities of bishop/priest/pastor in churches. I have no respect towards them. I don’t want to attend their worship/prayer/services and not like receive blessings or communion or any kind of sacraments.

            ==On NIV, ESV Versions of Bible==

            NIV(New International Version), ESV(English Standard Versions) etc. like new generation bible versions are highly deviated from fundamental doctrines of Christianity. So many differences are there, some of them mentioning here.
            NIV omits "Jesus Christ is son of God". Acts: 8: 37, in KJV(And Philip said, if thou Believest with all thine heart, thou mayest, And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ in the son of God). But in NIV omitted Acts: 8:37 and many more  such omissions and changes from KJV(King James Version). NIV publishes by Zondervan Publishers, it is parent company of HarperCollins. HarperCollins also publishes books "The Joy of Gay Sex" and "The Satanic Bible". It is very dangerous.
            ESV mislead the people by translating man to person for getting 'Gender-Neutral-Status'. It is not based on Bible. But based on demonic liberalism. Many such purposeful changes can be found in ESV.
            KJV(Kings James Version) is the most recommended version of the Bible. Of course, it is difficult to understand, then only refer NKJV(New Kings James Version).

            ==On Yoga==

            Culture of people is independent of religion. It is a way of life developed through many years of tradition and practices in social life. In India, Hinduism is independent to Indian culture. But there are some overlapping, even then it is independent to follow good parts of Indian Culture to every religion with out violating their spiritual Doctrine. 

            Philosophically, According to the Yoga school, a person can attain salvation through meditation and physical application. Practice of control over pleasure, senses and bodily organs is central to this system. In order to obtain salvation, physical exercises in various postures called asana are prescribed, and the breathing exercise called pranayama is recommended.(From book: Ancient India; Page no. 219,220; NCERT).

            According to Christian Doctrines, Salvation to people only through grace in Jesus Christ. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved(From Bible: Acts 4:12). Yoga teaches us a person can attain salvation through meditation and physical application. It is wrong in true Christian discipline. As a disciplined Christian believer should not practice Yoga.

            ==On RSS==

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            ==On BJP==

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            ==On Congress==

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            ==On Communist==

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            ==On CSI SKD==

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            ==On Pentecost Churches in Kerala==

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            ==On Catholic Churches==

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