Shaking India

Article No. 20

Reorganization and acceptance of problems and drawback is the first step to find a solution for the same. It is called insight, in psychology. Insight is the ability to recognize a problem and understand its nature and severity. It is applicable in every system in the world, i.e. government, nation, country, the ruling party, political party, religious organization and so on. Both reorganization and acceptance are mutually essential to sort out a problem. Reorganization alone is insufficient to tackle the matter, but accept the personal responsibility of the problem. Then, it can be easily solved. This is one of the fundamental facts of effective functioning of life on this planet earth.

Arrogance is the enemy of this approach. Arrogant people could not find their faults. They think and behave that they are always right. It is completely destroying the idea of these people. Fall of these people or system will be catastrophic.

India is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world. It is a pluralistic, multilingual and multi-ethnic society. Now, India is shaking in its economy to value systems that developed over thousands of years. India was known for religious toleration for thousands of years in the international arena. Its traditions and value system are appreciable across cross-culturally. Indian economy & politics to value system affected by religious nationalism and left-liberal ideologies in educational institutions. Both these ideologies and approaches curtail the ability to think critically and act effectively. Both many people and government lost its ability to think critically and act effectively.

Critical Thinking
In UPSC Civil Service Main Examination, Critical Analysis of different topics is a frequent question every year. Critical Analysis means considering both the pros and cons of the matter, then reach a fair, unbiased and value-based judgment. This analysis is absent in the vast majority of people. So they make wrong analysis and reach a bad judgment. Thinking and analysing about the other side of the story is not easy but very essential to find truth in it. It is more difficult in the present generation; mostly because of over flooding of corrupt media outlets and false teachers as well as professors. The news never means truth. Now, it is based more on subjectivity rather than objectivity. It is conveying information no more, but they are spreading opinion on the information with spicy sensations.

The ruling party and political executive of the India Government is now acting without critical thinking or not bothering about future consequences. They are merely concentrated on the political gain as well as electoral gain. Failures of the government’s actions and approaches often covered with majoritarian nationalism then conveyed to people of India with emotional sentiments. It is dangerous and catastrophic in the long run.

Increasing non-religious people
The number of non-religious people in the country is increasing in the postmodern era. It is highly visible in youngsters of the country, especially among educated people. It is making a society with highly vulnerable, lack of value system, lack of absolute morality etc. Shake on value system will make more harm than fall down of Indian Economy.

Educational institutions are not effective to make order in a person or society at large. Instead, they are increasing vulnerability and chaos in society.  Shakuntala Devi said: “Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It's about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life.” Our children and youngsters spend seven hours daily on average in schools and colleges for at least 15 to 20 years from age 3 to 25. But they are insufficient to distinguish good from bad, right from wrong, truth from lie etc. Education is no longer a parameter to measure the good personality of a person in society.

After the development of Humanism among academic intelligentsia after the 1950s. Campuses are turned away from fact and truth to leftism. Here, all most all institutions not teaching the students but indoctrinating their ideologies and making people abstain from to think critically.

Political & Economical scenario
Dr. Rathin Roy, member of PM Economic Advisory Council said that India will face Middle Income Trap (MIT) in 5 years. Yes, it’s true, because symptoms of MIT is already ON in the Indian Economy such as Job crisis, the lack of availability of efficient candidature for different sectors, lack of productivity, low innovation etc. in the country. Also, it affected from car manufacturing to biscuit manufacturing. The purchasing power of people is very low. Liquidity crisis is very high in this country. Our country has 50% of its population under 25 age 65% is under 35 age. And most importantly the average age of the Indian population is around 29 years. Still, we failed to efficiently utilise this workforce for the economy.

Democracy is the ruling system, which evolved over 1000s of years of human history. It is realised that it is the most acceptable and affordable system of government in cross-culturally. Phrase of Abraham Lincoln in the 19th century says that democracy is a government “of the people, by the people and for the people”. Now, in the 21st century, the will of the people is being hijacked in a democratic election by populism, cult, deception, false promises, freebies, majoritarianism etc. Presently, democracy is surviving not because of its efficiency and acceptance but due to lack of alternate remedy. If not preserve its values, democracy will be obsolete within 30 to 40 years. Most of the democratic countries in the world are getting obsessed with the democratically elected government within a short period of the newly elected government. In India, it is highly visible too.

Even though, the democratic government elected by the majority of the vote they get; democracy never mean that it is a majority ruling system of government. But ideologies professing and propagating in election campaigns reveals a different story. Political parties are eager to get the majority of vote by insulting and cornering minorities in the country. This makes a polarisation of masses in the line of communal line. This not only unhealthy for democracy but dangerous too. The policy of winning at any cost of political parties ruin the fruit of democracy and underestimate the ability of decision-making capacity and wisdom of votes in the democratic country.

Future of India
Government and the ruling party must think critically and act effectively for political decency. Political vendetta must be stopped. Power is not a weapon to destroy political opponents, but for creating a better country. Everyone should understand the fact that there is a meaning and purpose in life. All should thrive for that, not just limited in the materialistic and physical world. Leftism and atheism must be removed from educational institution and science. Otherwise, the Future of democracy is under threat because it lacks its fruits. It damaged unrepairable from its inceptions. People are unhappy and unsatisfied about working of the democratic system in many democratic countries. But it will sustain until and unless an alternate system introduced. The one-world government may be an alternate solution as biblical prophecies interpreted, which would more complicated and lead to a catastrophic situation. So it is essential to preserve and protect democracy at any cost as last as possible. Confidence lost and trust deficit must be cleared and managed by political parties and its leaders. Eventually, then it will lead to yield more fruit of democracy to people of the country. For a meaningful and purposeful life, people should be religious and government must be secular. Then, the nation will survive for the future.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
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