Order and Chaos

Article No. 21

Life is a journey, it can be either from chaos to order or order to chaos. The order has meaning and purpose, but chaos has not. Both morality and rationality are very essential to walk towards order. A serious person is always going away from the chaos and go towards order. Purpose of life can simply state that ‘be more good to reach more order’. People born with chaos, socialization of religious study (Doctrine & Discipline) make them be more good. Order is a disciplined life and chaos is undisciplined life. Meaning of life is ‘transcending in nature by Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable experiences as a human being’.

When the purpose of life to be more successful than good, it enhances chaos. Also, people lost the meaning of life into the limited nature of experiences by feelings and emotions. The actualization of life can be experienced and achieved only by the order in life. It is absolutely impossible without God in our life. God is always in the premier of order, whatever against God is part of the chaos.

The root of all modern chaos started predominately from the 1950s. After, Humanism got prominence among academicians and intellectuals. It started with critical thinking, rationalism and empiricism; eventually, Humanism evolved into the absence of critical thinking, rationalism and empiricism. Now, it is based on subjectivity and emotionalism. Beyond that, it becomes part of the Atheist Movement all over the world. Humanism increased chaos tremendously in society, which turn upside down about the meaning and purpose of life. Order always belong to God and chaos always belong to Devil. God is not under the purview of science at all, but philosophically it is evident that God exists and essential. Now, theism is getting more important than ever before among Anglo-American Philosophers. This is the war between order and chaos.

God and Order
Order in life can be achieved only with God as a source of absolute morality. Philosophical arguments on Morality is the most compelling arguments in contemporary time. It makes essentiality of God in this world for maintaining order among people. Arguments on Morality go like this: 1. If God does not exist, then objective moral values and duties do not exist (Absence of God become everything socioculturally relative). 2. But objective moral values and duties do exist, there are some moral absolutes and some objectives values and duties. 3. Therefore God exists.
Source of knowledge on morality is God Almighty. The essentiality of God can be established by the necessity of morality for good and just society. Authority of God is very essential to enforce morality in individual and society. Students and children are nowhere teach to becoming and developing good behaviour. Therefore, the family must be a school for teaching morality. Such as how to respect others, the importance of being truthful, the relevance of having courage, finding meaning and purpose in life etc.

Knowledge of morality as well as accepting the authority of God will help a person to distinguish and understand fact and truth in vulnerable matters that he comes across. Absence of morality is one of the main problems in society to becoming more vulnerable. Morality without God is meaningless, unstable and never enforceable. Making legislation and increasing severity of punishment is not a solution to stop crimes in society. It never addresses the cause of the problem, but treat only its effect. Motives of crimes can be reduced by developing Distinguishability and Understandability among people. It proves the essentiality of God. It is the fundamental and foundation of order.

Order and Family
Family-based on values has many things to cheer. It makes a good person and a healthy society. Order of a person arises from family. Family is the picture of a mother cooking for someone who loves, it’s the laugh of a baby, the strength of a father. Family is the space of loving hearts, light from happy eyes, kindness, loyalty, love one another. Home is the first school I ever attended. I didn’t go to public school to learn how to pray, how to behave to others, how to keep integrity, how to understand the world, how to distinguish right & wrong, what is good in the sight of God and what is not acceptable in the sight of God and so on. All of these I learn from my parents. Family is the place we go to when hungry, hurt, sick, rejected by the world, feel loneliness. The family will open the doors of heaven. They will anoint our wound with oil with gladness and arms around us. As John Hagee said.

Education is not enough to order
Many of the education is filled with liberal-left atheist ideologies. It is completely opposite to order and on the way with chaos. Critical analytical ability is essential for a person to avoid deceptions around us. Also, should have rationality and morality. It is very important to understand the fact that ‘truth and morality are absolute’. These are not at all relative or fluidity in nature. Wisdom is very rare among children and youngsters of the present generation. It makes difficult for an individual to distinguish right from wrong. Order in the society is coming from the truth, rationality and morality. Leftism always stands for emotion and feeling, they have no relation to reality. It subsequently results in chaos in society. We cannot build a strong and powerful society and civilization without proper education. Education covered with indoctrinated ideologies yields unhappy and unsatisfied generation as their unhappy and unsatisfied teachers and professors.

In the present socio-political scenario of the world, it is nearly impossible to reform campuses and education systems from the top to bottom approach. But it can be reformed from the bottom to top approach. I mean that reform should start from the family, which is the fundamental unit of society. In family, kids and children should be aware of the reality of schools and colleges as wells it deceptions. Also, train and encourage them to stand and fight for truth and freedom of expression in debates. It helps them to resist leftist indoctrinations in schools and colleges. Or at least encourage kids to say NO to ‘Lie and Deceptions’ in their life. It will gradually develop a meaningful and purposeful society.

Order in inevitable
If there is the truth, there is order. If there is faithfulness, there is order. If there is sincerity, there is order in it. And it goes like this. Chaos is the opposite of all these. Order is coming from a rational analysis of outcomes and consequences with filtering of absolute morality. For a meaningful and purposeful life, we need to walk away from the chaos and go towards order.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
Email : nithinaf@gmail.com


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