Now, not education but indoctrination in campuses!

Article No. 1

Shakuntala Devi said: “Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It's about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life.” Our children and youngsters spend seven hours daily on average in schools and colleges for at least 15 to 20 years from age 5 to 25. But they are insufficient to distinguish good from bad, right from wrong, truth from lie etc. Education is no longer a parameter to measure good personality of a person in the society. It not only failed to liberate people from barriers of darkness, but also people started to enjoying and making proud of being in darkness. There is no problem in society that some people doing wrong things, but it is too dangerous for a society to consider ‘wrong thing as right’; eventually that society will move into chaos of people with unhappy and unsatisfied people. This situation is visible in our societies and civilisation at large.

Absence of debates in campuses about truth, morality, good, right, wrong etc. make students to think monotonously in indoctrinated way. Absolute truth and absolute morality is facing extinction in society. True education and science must be capable of making people to act rationally and morally. Ideology and pseudo-science based education system make people more corrupt in educated cum crooked ways. Facts are far away from indoctrinated-monotonous-undebated ideologies.

Debating monotonously in relative way
Critical analytical ability of person is one of the most important quality, which should be developed in campuses. Our debates in campuses are suppressed by indoctrinated ideologies and their proponents. They are far away from truth and reality. Now, it can be commonly seen that debating on ‘lie over better lie’. People has even no slight hesitation to say lie. Lie become part of their daily life. Lie is beginning of root of evil, without understand this fundamental principle; education is meaningless.

“The Big Lie” was Nazi propaganda by Adolf Hitler and his minister of propaganda Paul Joseph Goebbels used in Germany. The same propaganda in education system destroyed spirit of debate in campuses. Repeated lies on knowledge, fact, truth, science etc. make it difficult to people to distinguish right from wrong.

Strong arguments based on facts and truth rejected as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, classism, bigotry, hypocrisy etc. Rejection of argument without proper counter argument is not a healthy debate. Debate should between absolute truth and absolute lie, there is no intermediate line between them. Suppression of facts by ideology is being treated by trading feelings and emotions of human being. Generally, people are attracted more towards immediate gratification than long term stable benefit. It is popularly developed as a result of monotonous debates in campus and eventually in society.

Campus = Leftism
After development of Humanism among academic intelligentsia after 1950s. Campuses are turned away from fact and truth to Leftism. It can be seen in Government Sanskrit College, Trivandrum through JNU Delhi through Harvard or Cambridge University. Here, all most all institutions not teaching the students but indoctrinating their ideologies and making people to abstain from to think critically.

Recently, I visited Government Sanskrit College, Trivandrum for writing an exam. I saw an art work on the wall of a class room to encourage students to be indiscipline in life. I am not at all against propagating indiscipline in campuses. But I am totally against to curtail debates on relevance of discipline in life. Here also, they play with emotions and feelings of students in campuses. Thus, youngsters in campuses are misguided to chaos. Basic issue is, they cannot distinguish right & wrong. They are motivated to undisciplined life. It need urgently addressed.

Leftism indoctrinated education system unrepairably across the world. This is the basic reason of systemic failure of society having good, happy, stable and satisfied individuals. Leftist always reject rationality and morality as well as absolute truth and absolute morality. This makes them vulnerable to higher vulnerable in their attempts to make order in the society. Order in society can be established OLNY by rationality and morality as well as absolute truth and absolute morality.

Dennis Prager, an American radio host once said: Leftism = Secularism + Affluentness + Boredom. I rewrite it as: Leftism = Secularism X Affluentness X Boredom. We need a secular government, but society should be religious. It is good and healthy for a strong society and a civilisation. Leftism makes students in campuses to chaotic life. Also, we can simply define leftist as people having ZERO common sense with SHORT in sight.

Teaching of Pseudo-science
General definition of Science, I prepared after referring dictionaries of Oxford, Cambridge and Collins says that “The systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through experiment, observation, measuring and replicating.” Pseudo-science is a set of ideas that presents itself as science, while it does not meet the criteria to be properly called such. Most typical example of Pseudo-science is the ‘Theory of Evolution’.

Theory of Evolution does not meet criteria of Science. It is the one of such explanation of origin of species based on conditions and beliefs. As criteria of science, it never replicated, observed, experimented or measured. Absence of empirical evidence sometimes justified by adding ‘micro’ to it. This also found in evolution as microevolution similar ideologically driven micro-aggression. As Evolution is based on beliefs and opinion, Theory of Evolution should consider as religion or even Pseudo-science, not Science. It is very similar or inferior to ‘Creation Explanation’ found in Judea-Christian’s Bible as far as criteria of science is concerned. These are not come under the purview of Science. 

Irony is that Theory of Evolution teaches in campuses (Schools and Colleges) as Science. It is an absolute deception to upcoming generation in a society and a civilization. I am not against teaching Theory of Evolution in campuses, but not try to enforce as a truth and science. It should be treated as one of many explanation of origin of species as Creation. Conspire attempt to disprove God by propagating Pseudo-science, will result in chaos from campuses to society. It eventually curtails attempts of people to find truth and fact based on experiment, observation, measuring and replicating.

Be careful and watchful
Critical analytical ability is essential for a person to avoid deceptions around us. Also, should have rationality and morality. It is very important to understand the fact that ‘truth and morality are absolute’. These are not at all relative or fluidity in nature. Wisdom is very rare among children and youngsters of present generation. It makes difficult to an individual to distinguish right from wrong. Order in the society is coming from the truth, rationality and morality. Leftism always stands for emotion and feeling, they have no relation with reality. It subsequently results to chaos in society. We cannot build a strong and powerful society and civilization without proper education. Education covered with indoctrinated ideologies yield unhappy and unsatisfied generation as their unhappy and unsatisfied teachers and professors.

In the present socio-political scenario of the world, it is nearly impossible to reform campuses and education systems from the top to bottom approach. But it can be reformed from the bottom to top approach. I mean that reform should start from family, which is the fundamental unit of a society. In family, kids and children should be aware about the reality of schools and colleges as wells it deceptions. Also, train and encourage them to stand and fight for truth and freedom of expression in debates. It help them to resist leftist indoctrinations in schools and colleges. Or at least encourage kids to say NO to ‘Lie and Deceptions’ in their life. It will gradually develop a meaningful and purposeful society.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.

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