Mobile Phone Phenomena

Article No. 34

Now, the mobile phone becomes a part of the body to the majority of the people in the world. There is no other such device/technology that integrated into human life as a mobile phone does. It is significant in terms of intimacy to each individual and wide popularity among the general population. 5 Billion People have mobile devices out of 7.8 Billion people around this planet. Half of the total mobile users are having a smartphone. All facts are based on Pew Research. More educated, higher-income people are more likely to be digitally connected. Mobile phone, smartphone or online apps are easy to plan and execute crime than ever before in human history. But it also helps to catch the culprits, because digital evidence is so powerful.

The miracle of Mobile Technology

As all invention of utilities, mobile phone supposed to reduce human suffering in one way or other. In 1917, Finnish inventor Eric Tigerstedt filed a patent for a "pocket-size folding telephone with a very thin carbon microphone". Early predecessors of cellular phones included analog radio communications from ships and trains. The race to create truly portable telephone devices began after World War II, with developments taking place in many countries.

The mobile phone is one kind of revolution in technological development. Mobile phone touched all areas of human life directly or indirectly. In Business, Education, Health, Relationship, Religion etc. So the positive part of the mobile revolution is notable to uplift human situations. Similar to every invention, the mobile phone also being miss-used widely in the modern generation.

Evils of Mobile Phone

There is no problem of using and having a mobile phone for such people that can distinguish right and wrong. If people fail to distinguish right and wrong and having a mobile phone, then the mobile phone will have open a Pandora box that leads to evils. It affects family relationships, child development, and social discipline predominantly. People’s inability to distinguish good and evil, make worsening of the situation. The mobile phone makes more opportunity to evil than good. As all people are basically not good or but may be innocent. So the mobile phone is becoming more vulnerable to people to do wrong things.

Emotional Infidelity/Affair

Typically, an affair is considered a betrayal of trust. An affair is a sexual relationship, romantic friendship, or passionate attachment between two people without the attached person's significant other knowing. An emotional affair generally starts innocently enough as a friendship. Through investing emotional energy and time with one another outside the marital relationship, the former platonic friendship can begin to form a strong emotional bond which hurts the intimacy of the spousal relationship (for married people) or parent-child relationship (for unmarried people) or even future sacred marital relationship. Infidelity doesn't necessarily have to involve a sexual relationship. But deeper emotional attachment and/or sexual undertones, which is carried out via chat, phone talk, webcam, email, text, and other forms of communication will kill the sacred meaning of marital relationship. It applies to both married and unmarried. The emotional connection and sensual nature of the affair can strain the committed relationships one or both participants are in either present or future. In married people the betrayal of trust to the spouse, but in unmarried people the betrayal of trust to parents and family including the person that going to marry in future.  

The mobile phone is the major medium to start, keep and maintain Emotional Infidelity/Affair. If once an evil seed of thought of affair enters into heart, mobile phone makes the opportunity to grow forward. While there are those who believe that an emotional affair is harmless, most marriage experts view an emotional affair as cheating without having a sexual relationship for both married and unmarried people. Love marriage is getting relevant for present situations of chaos and mistrust, but there are many risk factors in the Indian context. Either arranged or love marriage wisdom and understandability to choose the partner is the matter. But the affair is evil and dangerous.

Instant Messaging apps like WhatsApp in the smartphone makes the mobile phone more vulnerable to people with lack of distinguishability and understandability. It misuses people’s weak emotions. In instant messaging apps, user can think more time and opportunity to respond/edit than a normal phone call, so it is more dangerous than a phone call in terms of Emotional Infidelity/Affair.

Great unmarried men and great unmarried women will wait for their marital relationship for having sex. Great married men and great married women will limit their sexual desire in their marital relationship only. This makes them truly holy marital enjoyment and experiences with full potentials. It is also the wish of God.

Extra-Marital Affair and Mobile Phone

The mobile phone is the main cause of the proliferation of extramarital affair in modern times. There will be a conflict between husband and wife in a marital relationship as it is a part of life. Greatness is not enlarging the rift between husband and wife but resolving the conflict between them. Mobile phone, smartphone or instant messaging apps harm husband-wife relationship at the time of conflict. Commonly, husband or wife at the time of conflict tries to spend time online especially instant messaging apps or mobile phone talk. At this juncture of conflict, they will find ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend or at least a new/old friend as a comforting zone. This will widen the rift between couples and worsen the sacred marital relationship.

Marriage and family are making heaven on earth. It’s the covenant between husband and wife under living God. Selecting and getting the life partner as God planned is a great thing. Searching for a life partner should be about selecting, not to being selected. It is better to be alone with God than be with feminists kind of woman or man. But the great man in God and great woman in God make their family colourful as in heaven.

Grandparents and Mobile Phone

Grandparents have the greatest responsibility to raise their grandchildren in spiritual and moral ways. There is a special and unique bond between grandparents and grandchildren, which is not found in parent-child relationships. Grandparents can teach grandchildren about their values and principles in life to become a good person in their future.

Unfortunately, grandparents with mobile phone lost their eternal duties and responsibilities to grandchildren. They spent much time with the mobile phone than the previous generation grandparents spent time with their grandchildren. It makes moral free-fall in the behaviour and discipline of the upcoming generation. It causes the development of immoral and directionless younger modern generation.

Meaning and Purpose of life

The mobile phone is a blessing and cursing at the same time. Blessing or cursing is determined by which hand it holds. Distinguishability and understandability help a person to do the right thing for a meaningful and purposeful life.

Life has a definite meaning and purpose. The actualization of life can be experienced and achieved only by a meaningful and purposeful life. It is absolutely impossible without God in our life. Purpose of life can simply state that “Being more good to reach more order”. People born with chaos and vulnerabilities, but due to the socialization of religious study (Doctrine & Discipline) make them be more good. Meaning of life can simply state that "It's transcending in nature by Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable experiences as a human being". It is a fight between good and evil. We can either fight for good or evil. Noone can both. So fight for good with freewill. Effective life with meaning and purpose can be lead with rationality, morality and wisdom. Rationality is based on reason, morality based on religious doctrine and discipline, and wisdom from God. When people try to become more successful than good, it enhances chaos and eventually leads to a loss of purpose in life. Also when people see the physical world in limited nature of experiences by feelings and emotions, it further leads to a meaningless life. So God, Universe, Earth, Men & Women etc. have a cause, meaning and purpose.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
Email :


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