
Article No. 31

Justice means the quality of just behaviour or fair treatment. Justice is very essential for maintaining a meaningful life. In our life, there are many incidents happening in a daily basis. But when we put all those events in the balance of good and evil, then we can measure the quantity of justice. As justice is a quantitative measurement, there must be a standard to measure it. Such standard based on the highest ideal of humanity. There is a distinction between natural and justiciable events. If we consider everything based on destiny, there will be no justice at all. Explanation of life-based on destiny is meaningless and purposeless. Life and events in life are not merely a natural occurrence, but it has definite meaning and purpose. Everything began to exist with a purpose, not otherwise. Describing justice of events based on destiny will cause to victimizing ourselves and denying the great purpose of individual life and uniqueness. Justice is transcending in life, not just limited perception of our senses.

Transcending Justice

Justice is absolute, so it must go beyond conventional conceptions of the natural world. Believe in destiny is a wrong explanation of unjustifiable events in life. It is because of limiting our life and transcendentals in the material world. So destiny is not a matter, but our response to unwelcoming events in life is the counting matter. Therefore, justice goes beyond matter, space and time. Otherwise, no justice at all. There is something that essential for establishing complete justice, which must above matter, space and time.

The legal system, law and order, courts etc. are not always effective for establishing absolute justice. For example; Hitler suicided after his all atrocities, so victims do not get a solution for his acts. Victims of Murders, forceful rapes without consent etc. are not justifiable by a court ruling or punishment of culprits. Losses of these people are lost, it cannot reconstitute by the court system.

Irreversible Processes in life

There are reversible and irreversible process occurring in events or acts in life. Reversible process means after occur an event or act, it can be changed into the previous form without any loss. For example, Money theft, land encroachment, physical damage to material things etc. can be replaceable without loss or injustice. Injustices only to a reversible process can establish justice by the court. Only injustice to reversible events and acts can be established of justice by any means in this world.

But in reality, most of the injustice occurs in the spectrum of the irreversible process of events and acts. Irreversible process means after occur an event or act, it cannot be changed into the previous form without any loss. For example, it is impossible to establish justice to loss of life of an innocent person, or any physical harm to a person, etc. All these include the process that not possible to restore into the previous form in this world. So absolute justice could not establish by qualities of a human that just limited by space, matter and time.

Retributive justice

Retributive justice is a theory of punishment that when an offender breaks the law, justice requires that he or she suffer in return. It also requires that the response to a crime is proportional to the offence. Prevention of future crimes (deterrence) or rehabilitation of the offender are other purposes of punishment. Retribution is different from revenge because retributive justice is directed only at wrongs, has inherent limits, is not personal and involves no pleasure at the suffering of others and employs procedural standards.

The concept is found in most world cultures and in many ancient texts. The presence of retributive justice in ancient Jewish culture is shown by its mention in the law of Moses, which refers to the punishments of "life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot" in reference to the Code of Hammurabi. Documents assert similar values in other cultures. However, the judgment of whether a punishment is appropriately severe can vary greatly across cultures and individuals. Jewish culture intended to remove sin from the community by the retributive justice system.

Justice is absolute

Space, matter and time are contingent in its existence. So it is impossible and implausible to establish ultimate justice limited by space, matter and time. So absolute justice goes beyond space, matter and time. Therefore, there is a God Almighty. Only God can establish ultimate justice for all irreversible process in this world. Though God is not limited in space, matter and time; establishment of justice of reversible or irreversible events and acts are not limited by space, matter and time.

So God is only capable of establishing justice to victims by atrocities made by Hitler or any Murderer etc. Courts and Judges are doing an action to remove sin or evil acts from the society or community. Punishment by the court has no deterrence effect for future occurrence of crime by other people. There is no correlation between the severity of punishment and deterrence effect of the crime. Thus, court punishment is essential for removing sin or such evil from the society even in the fact that it does not prevent any crime in the future. There are no crimes that exist ancient history which does not exist in the present society. All crimes still exist from its beginning; more than that more crimes invented in latter history. It is still increasing, and going to increase. Crimes that stimulated by external agencies of an individual cannot be stopped or prevented by any means of law and order. But it can be prevented by disciplined family life and God-based morality in a person.

Harmony in life

Accept God is this the standard of justice and righteousness and look unto God for both will help to get comfortable in this world. Neither government nor law nor the court can establish ultimate justice for injustices in this world. Life has a definite meaning and purpose. The actualization of life can be experienced and achieved only by a meaningful and purposeful life. It is absolutely impossible without God in our life. Purpose of life can simply state that “Being more good to reach more order”. People born with chaos and vulnerabilities, but due to the socialization of religious study (Doctrine & Discipline) make them be more good. Meaning of life can simply state that "It's transcending in nature by Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable experiences as a human being". It is a fight between good and evil. We can either fight for good or evil. Noone can both. So fight for good with freewill. Effective life with meaning and purposeful can be lead with rationality, morality and wisdom. Rationality is based on reason, morality based on religious doctrine and discipline, and wisdom from God. When people try to become more successful than good, it enhances chaos and eventually leads to a loss of purpose in life. Also when people see the physical world in limited nature of experiences by feelings and emotions, it further leads to a meaningless life. So God, Universe, Earth, Men & Women etc. have a cause, meaning and purpose.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
Email : nithinaf@gmail.com


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