Is there a God?

Article No. 9

“Is God dead?” it was the cover story of TIME news magazine on April 8, 1966. The story was based on the investigation on approaches of modern theologians about the relevancy of God in increasingly modern science and secular society. Recently, some Christian Seminaries also discussing the death of God. Even though it is marginal, still increasing number of theologians and students in seminary having doubt about existence and essentiality of God. Among the liberal theologians, its number is dangerously high. Friedrich Nietzsche of 19th-century Philosopher argued and stated that “God is Dead”.

The Atheist Bus Campaign in Britain in 2008 and 2009 with the slogan: "There's probably no god. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." It aimed to raise a fund of £5,500, but finally, it collected £153,523.51. This figure is much enough to understand the reality of this problem. Europe and other countries of the world almost visibly surrender to this propaganda. The visible fight can be seen only in the United States of America. After 2016, there is a rejuvenation of theism in some parts of the world in a visible manner.

The root of all these problems started predominately from the 1950s. After, Humanism got prominence among academicians and intellectuals. It started with critical thinking, rationalism and empiricism; eventually, Humanism evolved into the absence of critical thinking, rationalism and empiricism. Now, it is based on subjectivity and emotionalism. Beyond that, it becomes part of the Atheist Movement all over the world. Humanism increased chaos tremendously in society, which turn upside down about the meaning and purpose of life. Order always belong to God and chaos always belong to Devil. God is not under the purview of science at all, but philosophically it is evident that God exists and essential. Now, theism is getting more important than ever before among Anglo-American Philosophers.

Purview of Science
Science is “The systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through experiment, observation, measuring and replicating.” This definition is based on dictionaries of Oxford, Cambridge and Collins. Science means that every scientific aspect must have 4 aspects 1. Testable, 2. Observable, 3. Measurable and 4. Replicable (ability to be reproduced). Three people heavily caused to the tremendous increase of chaos in the world in the history of philosophy and science. They are Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx. Observations, explanations and teachings of them are neither objective nor on the systematic study. Pseudoscience is a set of ideas that presents itself as science, while it does not meet the criteria to be properly called such. A most typical example of Pseudoscience is the ‘Theory of Evolution’ by Charles Darwin.

Works of Charles Darwin; theory of Evolution does not meet the criteria of Science. It is the one of such explanation of the origin of species based on conditions and beliefs. As criteria of science, it never replicated, observed, experimented or measured. Absence of empirical evidence sometimes justified by adding ‘micro’ to it; which also found in evolution as microevolution similar to ideologically driven micro-aggression. As Evolution is based on beliefs and opinion, Theory of Evolution should consider as religion or even Pseudo-science, not Science. It is very inferior or similar to ‘Creation Explanation’ found in Judeo-Christian's Bible as far as criteria of science are concerned. These do not come under the purview of Science.

Existentiality of God
Existence of God is evident based on so many philosophical points and arguments. The most relevant one is “Something from nothing”. There is no possibility to get something from nothing without a cause. All effects and beginning to exist must have a cause. The cosmological arguments go like this: 1. whatever begins to exist has a cause (Something can't begin to exist from nothing). 2. The universe began to exist (it has both philosophical arguments and scientific evidence for the finitude of past). 3. Therefore the universe has a cause. Then, conceptual analysis of cause will arrive at a being that uncaused, unmoved, beginningless, timeless and enormously powerful, which is the personal creator of the universe.

It is scientifically meaningful that the Universe had a beginning. Now it says that at ‘Big Bang’. At the Big Bang, the “tiny ball” (singular atom) exploded violently. This led to a huge expansion. - (It is based on Fundamentals of Physical Geography, NCERT). The force and power, which cause to Big Bang is the personal creator of Universe known as God.

Also, the first law of thermodynamics says that “Energy can never be created nor be destroyed”. But, it is applicable only just after Big Bang happened. At Big Bang, it did not applicable, which makes sense that something from nothing with a cause by uncaused, unmoved, beginningless, timeless and enormously powerful God. All natural laws come into existence and only applicable just after Big Bang.

Essentiality of God
Philosophical arguments on Morality is the most compelling arguments in contemporary time. It makes essentiality of God in this world for maintaining order among people. Arguments on Morality go like this: 1. If God does not exist, then objective moral values and duties do not exist (Absence of God become everything socioculturally relative). 2. But objective moral values and duties do exist, there are some moral absolutes and some objectives values and duties. 3. Therefore God exists.

Source of knowledge on morality is God Almighty. The essentiality of God can be established by the necessity of morality for good and just society. Authority of God is very essential to enforce morality in individual and society. Students and children are nowhere teach to becoming and developing good behaviour. Therefore, the family must be a school for teaching morality. Such as how to respect others, the importance of being truthful, the relevance of having courage, finding meaning and purpose in life etc.

Knowledge of morality as well as accepting the authority of God will help a person to distinguish and understand fact and truth in vulnerable matters that he comes across. Absence of morality is one of the main problems in society to becoming more vulnerable. Morality without God is meaningless, unstable and never enforceable. Making legislation and increasing severity of punishment is not a solution to stop crimes in society. It never addresses the cause of the problem, but treat only its effect. Motives of crimes can be reduced by developing Distinguishability and Understandability among people. It proves the essentiality of God.

Meaningful and Purposeful Life
The actualization of life can be experienced and achieved only by a meaningful and purposeful life. It is absolutely impossible without God in our life. Purpose of life can simply state that “Being more good to reach more order”. People born with chaos and vulnerabilities, but due to the socialization of religious study (Doctrine & Discipline) make them be more good. Meaning of life can simply state that "It's transcending in nature by Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable experiences as a human being". When people try to become more successful than good, it enhances chaos and eventually leads to a loss of purpose in life. Also when people see the physical world in limited nature of experiences by feelings and emotions, it further leads to a meaningless life. So God, Universe, Earth, Men & Women etc. have a cause, meaning and purpose.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
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