Infertility, a silent tragedy in the family

Article No. 10

“Children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.” – Bible. Sociologically, having sexual relationship is a biological need and having children is a social need. Absence of children in a family is the most horrific thing in their entire marital life. Jorden B. Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist from Toronto University said that when a child born, then only starts the real growth of an adult i.e. parents.  So children are inevitable to a marital relationship. It makes more meaningful and purposeful in the marital relationship between husband and wife.

In this post-modern time couples, there is an increasing trend in infertility. In Kerala, TFR (Total Fertility Rate) is 1.7. It’s too dangerous and fatal. According to the United Nation’s population study, at least TFR 2.1 is mandatory to replace the population and to sustain that society. If it continues in Kerala, in AD 2040, it will be a place of full of old age people, full of Bengali (North Indian) workers, empty kinder gardens, school, and colleges, etc. This is similar to any modern developed societies in the world, the best-known example is Japan.

Being a husband, wife, father and mother are the God-given assignments to a person to fulfil his/her roles, duties and responsibilities. There is no other roles, duties and responsibilities than these to make a happy and satisfied with accomplishment life in this world. Unfortunately, some people put a higher priority on career than family in their life. It is completely wrong and absolutely meaningless. Priority or Basic Necessities in a person’s life goes like this: 1. Seek & Worship the Ultimate Higher Authority as well as The Rule Giver (God), 2. Family, 3. Food, Cloth and Shelter, 4. Teach one's offspring to distinguish good from bad, 5. Avoid offence, 6. Shun ignorance, and 7. Have Free will and common sense.

Cry, noise, disordering things, not having food on time, not sleeping on time by a baby makes discomfort to their parents, but a laugh of a baby wipe out all these discomforts. Statistics show that today, as many as one in seven couples trying to have a baby will experience infertility.

Pills becoming a villain
In modern situations, girls/women are more passionate about building an academic profile and having a prestigious career in their life more than having a family and child. It will be meaningless and purposeless in the final analysis of life. They are taking so many stupid risks in their life to achieve academic and career goal than life goals such as marriage and family. Women can do any job in this world especially in the present era of scientific advancement and technological development. However, it is a separate issue about their outcomes compared to their counterparts.

Pills use by modern girls/women to delay or stop menstrual periods, have terrible consequences in making infertility than most of the people think or aware. Purpose of these pills is to help girls/women to do normal activities effectively in their period, but functioning and working mechanism of these pills make changes in the hormonal level in the body. Mayo Clinic in the USA says that “There are birth control pill regimens designed to prevent bleeding for three months at a time or for as long as a year. But it's possible to prevent your period with continuous use of any birth control pill. This means skipping the placebo pills and starting right away on a new pack. Continuous use of your birth control pills works best if you're taking a monophasic pill — with the same hormone dose in the three weeks of active pills.”

It means that birth control pills and pills to delay or stop menstrual periods are similar or acting in a similar manner. This affects the natural process of ovulation in a woman by synthetic elements. Ovulation is the release of eggs from the ovaries. So the usage of these pills affects to the natural rhythm of her body to get conceived. It is a very serious and dangerous matter need to address urgently in our societies. Especially, parents of girls’ child must discourage their child from using these kinds of pills for their better future.

Sarah Sanders was the press secretary of the Whitehouse in the United States of America. She resigned last week (30/June/2019); because she tweeted: “I am blessed and forever grateful to @realDonaldTrump for the opportunity to serve and proud of everything he’s accomplished. I love the President and my job. The most important job I’ll ever have is being a mom to my kids and it’s time for us to go home. Thank you Mr. President!”. She has a great priority in her life, it can understand from bio info of her Instagram; her priority goes like this “Christian, Wife, Mom, Press Secretary, Traveler, and Arkansan”. She is a great role model for girls/women of contemporary time in the world.

Less interested in early marriage, lovemaking & getting conceived
The average age of first marriage in the world is sharply increasing. Some decades ago, all most all women had the first child at the age of 21. Now, this age comes to 26 or 27. Most of the people are waiting for finishing education and to establish a career. It is a clear misunderstanding and misinterpretation of life, which cause long-standing consequences majorly they will face in their 40s and 50s. In Human Geography, it can learn that marital bondage is higher and stronger among couples who got earlier marriages than late marriages. Rising age to get married plays a big role on fertility rates. For couples who are under 30 and most probably healthy, 20 to 37 percent are able to conceive in the first three months of trying. After age 30, a woman’s chances of getting pregnant start dropping quickly with each year. Thus, late marriages also cause increasing infertility in society.

Lovemaking and getting conceived are considered as something absurd among people having higher socioeconomic status. It might be developed in society due to the influence of unhealthy liberal left ideology. Based on India’s National Family Health Survey, Total Fertility Rate (TFR) among urban 1.8 and rural 2.4. These statistics show that less interest in lovemaking and getting conceived in couple among higher socioeconomic status.

Less interested in early marriage, lovemaking & getting conceived may be because of different reasons such as aspirations on unrealistic beauty conscious, extra marital affairs, influences of professional pornography etc. All these are killing real meaning and purpose of marriage and affecting the harmonious relationship between the couples; further leads to affect fertility rates.

Extra Marital Affair
Meaningful and purposeful marriage requires dedication and commitment rather than financial stability and individual autonomy; it is the symbol and motto of a great marital relationship. Extra Marital Affair is the devil of a marital relationship. Sexual relationship outside marriage is the biggest unrecoverable and unrepairable wrongdoing in a person’s life. Sexual relation is God’s idea for maintaining a happy & enjoyable life and to produce the next generation. It is the greatest right of a person’s lifetime. But Extra Marital Affair destroys many families and eventually it causes improper relationships, which results in low fertility rates.

Therefore, the right to produce life is a most precious, sacred and powerful opportunity of a person in this world. So it must use and handle with utmost care with dedication and commitment.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
Email :


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