How to make Good People?

Article No. 17

Getting married and raising children in a good manner is the fundamental and primary way to make good people in society. All other behavioural modifications after personality development work only to make some peripheral change in their personality. Most of socialization, behaviour and personality development in the very young age of a child. This development peak at age two to four. If kids not properly trained in this time, it is very difficult to change them in their lifetime. 

In life, being good and being successful are entirely different. Most of the people are more concerned about success than good. It is a fundamentally wrong approach to life. Purpose of life is “to be more good to reach more order”. People born with chaos and vulnerability, but the socialisation of religious study (Doctrine & Discipline) make them be more good. Meaning of life is “It's transcending in nature by Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable experiences as a human being”. 

In the post-modern era, with the influences of liberal-left ideologies; People lost the purpose of life to be more successful than good, it enhances chaos in individual, family, society and world. People lost the meaning of life into the limited nature of experiences by feelings and emotions. Every people in this world must have a religious study (Doctrine and Discipline) to get morals from God, Common Sense, and Free will. Optionally including Reasoning ability for strengthening ideas Philosophically. Every people must be Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable. No people should be liar or arrogant. 

People are not basically Good
All mothers in the world (having a child less than 10-year-old) say that how her child is and how did she train her child to be good. All kids always want to do something against common notions. All people in this world have an inclination to be bad at least in sometimes in life. It proves that people are not basically good. Understanding of absolute morality with wisdom to practice it in life, make a person to be more good. Source of knowledge on absolute morality is God Almighty. The essentiality of God can be established by the necessity of morality for good and just society. Authority of God is very essential to enforce morality in individual and society. Being good is always tough, but always right. Dedicated and committed parents devote their life to the proper personality development of their child. No person in this world is 100% good and no person in this world is 100% bad. Every good person has something bad and every bad person has something good. 

Our decisions can be classified into three types: 1. Based on the "Nature" theory of human behaviour or Biology or Neurochemical reactions or emotions or feelings, 2. Based on "Nurture" theory of human behaviour or Socialisation or Learning or learning from others and 3. Based on "Free will". Free will is the choice based decision after complete consideration of outcome & consequences. People are basically limited in understanding to get complete consideration of outcome & consequences due to lack of experiences in their life, knowledge and wisdom. That is why laws from God is so important to a meaningful, good and happy life. 
Rationality alone is insufficient to make a good individual or society. Absolute morality with rationality can make a good individual or society. Our decisions and outcomes must be actionable with reasoning as well as religious morality. For example, copying or cheating in the exam is reasonable, but it's wrong in religious discipline or absolute morality, so it is wrong. Wrong reasons are corrected by Religious discipline i.e. absolute morality. So that people need to be fundamentally trained in religious morality i.e. absolute morality and rationality. Seven Basic necessities of an individual for having Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable are 1. Seek & Worship ultimate higher authority, 2. Family and Friends, 3. Food, Cloth and Shelter, 4. Teach one's offspring to distinguish good from bad, 5. Avoid offence, 6. Shun ignorance and 7. Free will. 

There are two kinds of evil in this world: Evil by nature and Evil by human. Evil by nature can be evil only when a standard is operating between evil and good. That standard is based on God's moral. Otherwise, all are naturals. Evil by human is not responsible by God, but human. 

Parenting is the greatest duty of an individual
Family and friends are the fundamental platforms for making a good person. If the family is not functioning properly, when a child becomes an individual will suffer. Also, If peer groups like friends are not good, an individual probably is not going to be good. Here, the family has a greater role to make a good person in society. It is the fundamental duty and responsibility of a person on this planet earth to get married and raise their children. Scripture says that It is also the first command of God - "Be fruitful and multiply”. 

Marriage and family are making heaven on earth. It’s the covenant between husband and wife under living God. Selecting and getting the life partner as God planned is a great thing. Searching for a life partner should be about selecting, not to being selected. It is better to be alone with God than be with feminists kind of woman or man. But a great man in God and a great woman in God make their family colourful as in heaven.

Family is the picture of a mother cooking for someone who loves, it’s the laugh of a baby, the strength of a father. Family is the space of loving hearts, light from happy eyes, kindness, loyalty, love one another. Home is the first school I ever attended. I didn’t go to public school to learn how to pray, how to behave to others, how to keep integrity, how to understand the world, how to distinguish right & wrong, what is good in the sight of God and what is not acceptable in the sight of God and so on. All of these I learn from my parents. Family is the place we go to when hungry, hurt, sick, rejected by the world, feel loneliness. The family will open the doors of heaven. They will anoint our wound with oil with gladness and arms around us. As John Hagee said.

There is a difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’. Parents must meet 100% of their children’s needs and meet only 25% of their wants. Happy children are not raised from the abundance of wealth and sufficiency but raise from the limitation of their wants. The mental health of today’s kids has a lot of difference from three or five decades back. Addiction to materialistic things and developing narcissistic behaviour and personality in the present generation is higher than ever before. It deviates meaning and purpose in life to chaos and vulnerability. Here, parental duty to develop their children in a disciplined manner is the God-given assignment. So parents must be a role model for their children. And don’t expect much success from your child than you did in your past. Encourage children to be good is more important than to be successful. Then, help your children to improve themselves from previous stages in life, not comparing others. Each individual on this planet earth is indefinitely and uniquely significant. Thus good people mostly and probably from good parents.

Wisdom and Understanding
Wisdom is the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight. Understanding is the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination. Both wisdom and understanding are very essential than knowledge for a meaningful and purposeful life in this world. Source of both is God, the Almighty. Wisdom and Understanding help a person to lead a Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable life.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
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