Hierarchy in Family

(Research findings Part 1)

Article No. 30

Marriage is the social institution in which two (or, less frequently, more) people commit themselves to a socially sanctioned relationship in which sexual intercourse is legitimated and there is legally recognized responsibility for any offspring as well as for each other (VandenBos, 2015). For human beings, the family constitutes the most important group in relation to individual psychological development, emotional interaction, and maintenance of self-esteem (Ritvo and Glick, 2002).

In Indian context, marriage and family has exclusive relevance in the society and nation for making next generation of people with great social value system. The normal custom in Indian society is that a young man and his wife begin their married life not an independent household but with the husband’s family (Ahuja, 1997). The ancient family in India (in the vedic and epic periods) was joint in terms of residence, property and function as termed as traditional family or joint family (Karve, 1953). This system of family under gone subject to evolution to develops nuclear family.

Dysfunctional family, one symptom of a disorganised family (which does not perform the expected functions) is the rapid increase in broken houses, signifying unhappy men and women whose expectations of harmonious marital life are frustrated in the family in the functionalised family. Role confusion and role conflict in everyday life makes complex situation in family relationships. Conflict between the new economic and traditional domestic roles results in the compartmentalization of activities of women, at least in the initial phases of their marital lives (Ramu, 1989).

Role confusion, role conflict and role stress are arises due to absence of hierarchical order in family relationship, which lead to dysfunctional or partial functional family system based on corresponds roles and responsibilities. Hierarchical structure represents one of the corner stones of assessment for structural and strategic family therapy (Haley, 1976; Minuchin, 1974; Minuchin, Rossan & Baker, 1978).

This research study attempted to probe importance and influence in hierarchical order in family and its relationship to rate of dissolution of marriages as well as dysfunctional and partially functional families.

Major Findings

Ø  Psychological interpretation of this correlational relationship between Hierarchical Order and Overall Family Functioning can be says that families which have strong hierarchical order, there will be a better and effective family functioning.

Ø  Correlational relationship between Hierarchical Order and Role, it can be says that families which have strong hierarchical order, there will be a better and effective Role functioning.

Ø  Psychologically, from this correlational relationship between Hierarchical Order and Decision Making, it can be says that families which have strong hierarchical order, there will be a better and effective Decision Making.

Ø  Correlational relationship between Hierarchical Order and Stress Management, it can be says that families which have strong hierarchical order, there will be a better and effective Stress Management.

Ø  From correlational relationship between Hierarchical Order and Discipline, it can be says that families which have strong hierarchical order, there will be a better and effective Discipline.

Ø  From correlational relationship between Hierarchical Order and Morality and Ethics, it can be says that families which have strong hierarchical order, there will be a better and effective Morality and Ethics.

Ø  Gender difference has effect only in Hierarchical Order of a family. Females are more needed to be in hierarchical system than males. They sensed more hierarchy than males. Other variables like Family Functioning (Role, Decision Making, Stress Management, Discipline, and Morality and Ethics) are not influenced by Gender difference.

Ø  Variables like Hierarchical Order and Family Functioning (Role, Decision Making, Stress Management, Discipline, and Morality and Ethics) have no significant difference among different Age Groups.

Ø  Younger generation less favor for a hierarchical system than older generation in a family system.

Ø  Effectiveness of Overall Family Functioning is lesser among Younger generation than older generation in a family system.

Ø  Younger Families have higher role conflict than Older Families.

Ø  Younger Families are lesser Moral and Ethical than Older Families

Ø  Hierarchical Order and Overall Family Functioning including Role, Decision Making, Stress Management, Discipline, and Morality and Ethics are proper and effective among joint families than nuclear families.

Ø  Hierarchical Order, Overall Family Functioning, Stress Management, and Morality and Ethics are less effective in One Child family and highly effective in families having 3 or more number of children.

Ø  Hierarchical Order and Overall Family Functioning (Role, Decision Making, Stress Management, Discipline, and Morality and Ethics) have no effect among APL and BPL.

Ø  Educational Qualification has significant effect in Hierarchical Order in Family and Over All Family Functioning. But there is no effect in Role, Decision Making, Stress Management, Discipline, and Morality and Ethics.

Ø  Hierarchical Order and Overall Family Functioning (Role, Decision Making, Stress Management, Discipline, and Morality and Ethics) have no effect among Occupation such as Formal, informal and Homemaker.


Hierarchical Order in family is very relevant in the context of family functioning. Hierarchical Order in Family and Effectiveness of Family Functioning are strongly and positively correlated. That means, families having hierarchical order are functioning better and effective way. It is the main outcome of the present study. Females sensed more relevance of hierarchical system than males.
Structurally strong & well committed family system is very critical to the development of a strong society as well as strong nation. Thus, institutions of marriage and family play a very important role for developing one’s personality in the society.
The outcome of the research added to the body of knowledge on the factors which are important to the enhancement of family values, subsequently it reflects the personality development of individuals. Thus, families will be equipped to take responsibility for the care of its members rather than leaving that responsibility to government.


Importance of family need to be more prioritised for the existence of present value system in the society. Without a stress free family, a society and a nation will certainly fail as there is the break down in the value system as well as order eventually law and order. High quality family life can be developed by responsible behaviour of each members in the family.
Family psychology is very relevant in this context, for framing a family with structure and hierarchical order. Behaviour of a person fundamentally develops from family. Hence, hierarchical order in the family makes a person to discipline as well as good in their behaviour.
Moreover, the findings of this research can be used by family members for realising their roles and responsibilities in the family. Such a way, we can develop a powerful family system with strong individual for stable society to great nation.
Family is the picture of a mother cooking for someone who loves, it’s the laugh of a baby, the strength of a father. Family is the space of loving hearts, light from happy eyes, kindness, loyalty, love one another. Home is the first school to ever attend. It doesn’t need to go to public school to learn how to pray, how to behave to others, how to keep integrity, how to understand the world, how to distinguish right & wrong, what is good in the sight of God and what is not acceptable in the sight of God and so on. All these should learn preliminary from my parents. Family is the place to go to when hungry, hurt, sick, rejected by the world, feel loneliness. The family will open the doors of heaven. They will anoint our wound with oil with gladness and arms around us.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
Email : nithinaf@gmail.com


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