Guilt & Pain: Scales of Life

Article No. 19

Feelings of guilt and pain are essential and part of life. Guilt feelings and its influence in a person’s life is being reduced in recent times. Lack of guilt feeling makes people do more wrong than before. So people have no hesitation to do wrong or act evil. Pain is a warning sign before destruction. Pains in life make people think about themselves and change routes of their ways if it is necessary. Both guilt and pain must take seriously in day to day life of a serious person of life. Life is filled with full of vulnerabilities, but a serious person of life makes more good to reach more order in life and world. 

The ability for distinguishing right from wrongs is a great quality of a person. Guilt and pain help an individual to understand good and right. It acts as a catalyst for making a good and healthy society based on more order in an individual’s life. People must be good, right, happy and satisfied. Guilt & pain redirect their behaviour to the purpose of life in a truthful, faithful and sincere way. Accountability in life is enhanced by feelings of guilt and pain. It guides a person to work better than before for more favourable outcomes. 

In this physical world, there is a war between good and evil. Physical-world of reality and the non-physical world of reality are part of this war. Physical-world of reality is perishable and mortal. But the non-physical world of reality is unperishable and immortal. Guilt feeling completely related to the non-physical world of the reality of each person. Feeling of pain related to both the physical world of reality and the non-physical world of reality. For getting victory in this war, it essential that having more goodness through guilt and pain.

Relative morality is a curse 
Relative morality makes people with less guilt and pain. It further enhances to chaos in society and, meaningless and purposeless life of people. Standard of morality must be firm and stand erect. It does not change as the wish of the people. Morality is absolute and given by the authority of God.

Source of knowledge on morality is God Almighty. The essentiality of God can be established by the necessity of morality for good and just society. Authority of God is very essential to enforce morality in individual and society. Knowledge of morality as well as accepting the authority of God will help a person to distinguish and understand fact and truth in vulnerable matters that he comes across. Absence of morality is one of the main problems in society to becoming more vulnerable. Morality without God is meaningless, unstable and never enforceable. Making legislation and increasing severity of punishment is not a solution to stop crimes in society. It never addresses the cause of the problem, but treat only its effect. Motives of crimes can be reduced by developing Distinguishability and Understandability among people.

Distinguishability and Understandability
Distinguishability and Understandability help a person to lead a good and right life. It is based on rationality and morality. Using the Duel Test of morality and rationality on any matter can help anyone to find truth in it. Provided that rationality must be with critical analysis and morality must be with God Almighty. This is the formula to develop Distinguishability and Understandability in people. Both are very essential to lead a meaningful and purposeful life in this sophisticated society. It is applicable in every walks of life to test whether it is right or wrong. Purposeful deceptions are everywhere in society from markets to religious institutions. But it can be checked and free from deceptions to harm us by developing Distinguishability and Understandability. It is the fundamental knowledge and common sense. But, interestingly, Common Sense is not common to all. So it can be developed by rationality and morality.

Rationality with morality helps to distinguish and understand right from wrongs. If this duel test failed, then the next option to correct themselves through guilt and pain. Rationality and morality are preventive measures from doing wrongs, but guilt and pain are curative measures of already committed wrongdoings in life.

Sufferings, Evils and Deaths
Three unsolved problems of human are Sufferings, Evils and Deaths. Pains are part of life and highly essential for distinguishing between good and evil or right and wrong. If there is no God, there would be no absolute standard of Good in an objective manner. Sufferings, Evils and Deaths problems never solved in history and not going to solve in future. Whatever science and technologies can develop, but it is impossible to solve these problems permanently.
The concern of a serious person not just limited in the physical world of reality but extended to the non-physical world of reality including eternity. Sufferings, evil and death are mainly affected to the physical body of an individual. Also, there will be a reflection in the non-physical body too. So guilt and pain correct our behaviours and outcomes. 

Problem of Evil
There are two kinds of evils
1. Evil by nature
                      E.g.: Earth quack, flood, diseases etc.
2. Evil by human
                      E.g.: Murder, harassments etc.
Evil by nature: It can be evil when a standard is operating between evil and good. That standard is based on God's moral. God’s moral means that God is just and good. Otherwise, all are naturals. A non-believer in God cannot blame God for Evil by nature.
Evil by human: God is not responsible for evil by a human. Man is responsible for this kind of evil. 

Rise up from Guilt and Pain
King Solomon, considered the wisest man on planet earth for all times; he said in scripture: “For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity.” The virtue of a serious person of life is not getting guilt or pain, but rise up and move forward with corrections. It makes meaning and purpose in life. 
The actualization of life can be experienced and achieved only by a meaningful and purposeful life. Purpose of life can simply state that “Being more good to reach more order”. Meaning of life can simply state that "It's transcending in nature by Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable experiences as a human being". When people try to become more successful than good, it enhances chaos and eventually leads to a loss of purpose in life. Also when people see the physical world in limited nature of experiences by feelings and emotions, it further leads to a meaningless life. So God, Universe, Earth, Men & Women etc. have a cause, meaning and purpose. Guilt and pain act as scales to measure goodness in life. And help to improve our goodness to a more meaningful and purposeful life. 

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
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