Come more closer to God

Article No. 23

Now, people in the world live in times of greatest prosperous time compared to previous generations. It is in terms of technology, medical treatment, living conditions etc. Therefore, this is the blessed generation of all time so far in the history of mankind. But the catastrophic problem of present generation across the world is that they put God aside in their life. Scripture says when God come closer to people, they go away from God and when God keeps distance with people, then people come more to God. So it is very essential that people of the world need to come closer to God in the midst of prosperity and affluence.

If we analyse the history of the world across different prominent societies, whoever put God aside; they become vanished into thin air or lost their prominence. When God out, then absolute morality and truth will also go with it. It is actually a slow process, like the killing of slow poisons. In the process, it is difficult to understand its intensity and effects. God lives in the temple of all human body. It reflects characters, values, outcomes etc. in life. Family is the basic unit of moral values from God, the creator of the universe. So the first symptom of chaos in the culture and civilization start from families. If the system of family values is being collapsed, then the culture's and society's destruction is eminent in future. ‘Put God First’ must be the basic structure doctrine to each walk of human life. Then, life will be meaningful, purposeful, good, right, happy, satisfied, and stable.

Time for God in a busy schedule
Time is the most valuable thing in a person’s life. Leftover time will not get back in the whole life. Time is the only thing available equally to every person in this world; time is equal to the President of America to the layman in the village. But in modern times, people relatively spent less and less time for God and less regular than compared to previous generations. A busy life is the main cause of this phenomena is the excuse for such people. It is a foolish prioritization in life to deprioritize God than life’s perishable activities.

Secularism is leftist propaganda to propagate Atheism in the world. Charles Darwin, Karl Marx & Sigmund Freud are the three people cause the world to becoming more materialistic and rejection of divine power. Leftist Godless school of thought getting mainstream after their foolish works. Present problems started predominately from the 1950s. After, Humanism got prominence among academicians and intellectuals. It started with critical thinking, rationalism and empiricism; eventually, Humanism evolved into the absence of critical thinking, rationalism and empiricism. Now, it is based on subjectivity and emotionalism. Beyond that, it becomes part of the Atheist Movement all over the world. Humanism increased chaos tremendously in society, which turn upside down about the meaning and purpose of life. Order always belong to God and chaos always belong to Devil. God is not under the purview of science at all, but philosophically it is evident that God exists and essential. Now, theism is getting more important than ever before among Anglo-American Philosophers.

Educational institutions are no longer educating students, but indoctrinating students to follow leftist godless ideologies. Absence of debates in campuses about truth, morality, good, right, wrong etc. make students think monotonously in the indoctrinated way. Absolute truth and absolute morality are facing extinction in society. True education and science must be capable of making people to act rationally and morally. Ideology and pseudo-science based education system makes people more corrupt in educated cum crooked ways. Facts are far away from indoctrinated-monotonous-undebated ideologies.

Be regular with God
Personal prayer, family prayer and visit worship place at least weekly once in a week; must be a regular practice in life. Trust in God must come from internally, not for external benefits. Spending time regularly with God makes order in life.

The actualization of life can be experienced and achieved only by a meaningful and purposeful life. It is impossible without God in our life. Purpose of life can simply state that “Being more good to reach more order”. People born with chaos and vulnerabilities, but due to the socialization of religious study (Doctrine & Discipline) make them be more good. Meaning of life can simply state that "It's transcending in nature by Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable experiences as a human being". When people try to become more successful than good, it enhances chaos and eventually leads to a loss of purpose in life. Also when people see the physical world in limited nature of experiences by feelings and emotions, it further leads to a meaningless life. So God, Universe, Earth, Men & Women etc. have a cause, meaning and purpose.

Prayer and Meditation
Prayer and Meditation are the two ways that a person can relate to God. Prayer is generally our communication to God, and meditation is listening from God. Both are necessary in equal weightage in a serious person’s life. It is like a railway track, i.e. two-track in necessary for proper travelling of a train. Similarly in life, both prayer and meditation are mandatory in the good life. It must be a regular daily habit in everybody’s life. Prayer does not change God’s plan according to our wish but preparing ourselves according to God’s plan. It is the method of submitting our ways to God and wait for the outcome as the will of God.

Greatest prayer to God is in the teachings of Jesus Christ, popularly known as ‘Lord’s Prayer’ – “Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen."

The Serenity Prayer is the common name for a prayer written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr. It states that “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

Meditation is mostly a spiritual activity rather than a physical one. Reading the scripture is the only form of physical activity of meditation, all rest are hearing from God and dedicating and preparing spiritually our life to obey the word of God, i.e. absolute morality.

Serious people always with God
Atheists are foolish people in the world. They are not considering things seriously in life and their surroundings. They don’t have meaning and purpose in life. It is foolish as well as dangerous. Serious people consider their life seriously and always looking forward to something meaningful and purposeful. It is absolutely impossible to lead a meaningful and purposeful without God. So there are absolutes in this universe, there are the truth, meaning, purpose, morality, eternity in this life and universe. Therefore, come closer to God for meaningful and purposeful life with good and happy. 

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
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