Distinguishability and Understandability

Article No. 7

Both Distinguishability and Understandability is lacking in present generation due to the absence of critical analysis, awareness of morality and inappropriate education from schools and colleges. Mainstream media outlets are fuelling this problem for increasing their failing business. Sensitisation of information makes hysteria and fear factor among people, which lead to mug up information without thinking another side of it. Freedom of speech and encouragement to express difference as well as opposing ideas must be promoted. It is very essential to find fact and truth. Fact and truth are absolute and never change.

In our society and legal system not promoting free speech in a literal sense. Right to free speech is not only the right to say something interested to others but right to say something hurting and disturbing too. In India, if somebody says that ‘men and women are not equal and not one and the same’, it can be prosecuted or he/she may face media trial. It is absolutely wrong. Truth always prevails, so it must be allowed to debate, discuss and talk on different ideas.

Ability to understand and distinguish needs proper awareness of both sides of a matter. If a person wants to find out the truth in a particular matter, he should take into consideration both sides of the arguments. Then he must analyse both sides with the test of rationality and morality. After that, he can find truth in it. Now, it is not happening in our society; we just blindly following the opinion of others, particularly on News outlets. This must be changed and everyone should develop Distinguishability and Understandability in gradually with the following factors.

Critical Analysis = Rationality
In UPSC Civil Service Main Examination, Critical Analysis of different topics is a frequent question every year. Critical Analysis means considering both the pros and cons of the matter, then reach a fair, unbiased and value-based judgment. This analysis is absent in the vast majority of people. So they make wrong analysis and reach a bad judgment. Thinking and analysing about the other side of the story is not easy but very essential to find truth in it. It is more difficult in the present generation; mostly because of over flooding of corrupt media outlets and false teachers as well as professors. The news never means truth. Now, it is based more on subjectivity rather than objectivity. It is conveying information no more, but they are spreading opinion on the information with spicy sensations.

So people are misled and compelled to believe opinion as fact without any Critical Analysis. It is not only unhealthy in terms of truth, but it’s dangerous too. Also, a family must be a basic platform to make a critical analysis of different issues in life and society. It will be beneficial to children to face realities in life and they can make a real and truthful understanding of vulnerabilities of society and world. For Critical Analysis, community development among relatives and friends help people to discuss and debate on different topics in life.

Schools/Colleges are not enough
Shakuntala Devi said: “Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It's about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life.” Our children and youngsters spend seven hours daily on average in schools and colleges for at least 15 to 20 years from age 3 to 25. But they are insufficient to distinguish good from bad, right from wrong, truth from lie etc. Education is no longer a parameter to measure the good personality of a person in society.

After the development of Humanism among academic intelligentsia after the 1950s. Campuses are turned away from fact and truth to leftism. It can be seen in Government Sanskrit College, Trivandrum through JNU Delhi through Harvard or Cambridge University. Here, all most all institutions not teaching the students but indoctrinating their ideologies and making people abstain from to think critically.

Recently, I visited Government Sanskrit College, Trivandrum for writing an exam. I saw an artwork on the wall of a classroom to encourage students to be indiscipline in life. I am not at all against propagating indiscipline in campuses. But I am totally against to curtail debates on the relevance of discipline in life. Here also, they play with emotions and feelings of students on campuses. Thus, youngsters in campuses are misguided to chaos. The basic issue is, they cannot distinguish right & wrong. They are motivated to an undisciplined life. It need urgently addressed.

For solving this issue, Home-schooling can be considered at least till the age of 10 or 12. Then, children can be inducted into the mainstream educational system. There are many options to get support for homeschooling in India. Mostly, IGCSE syllabus support homeschooling in India. Home-schooling need much great dedication from parents to the child. But it is so powerful for the development of personality in a child. Academically, till 5th or 7th grade, the student gets only some fundamental knowledge in languages, science and maths. Every parent can teach their child all these subjects regardless of their education.

Source of knowledge on morality is God Almighty. The essentiality of God can be established by the necessity of morality for good and just society. Authority of God is very essential to enforce morality in individual and society. Students and children are nowhere teach to becoming and developing good behaviour. Therefore, the family must be a school for teaching morality. Such as how to respect others, the importance of being truthful, the relevance of having courage, finding meaning and purpose in life etc.

Knowledge of morality as well as accepting the authority of God will help a person to distinguish and understand fact and truth in vulnerable matters that he comes across. Absence of morality is one of the main problems in society to becoming more vulnerable. Morality without God is meaningless, unstable and never enforceable. Making legislation and increasing severity of punishment is not a solution to stop crimes in society. It never addresses the cause of the problem, but treat only its effect. Motives of crimes can be reduced by developing Distinguishability and Understandability among people.

Duel Test
Using the test of morality and rationality on any matter can help anyone to find truth in it. Provided that rationality must be with critical analysis and morality must be with God Almighty. This is the formula to develop Distinguishability and Understandability in people. Both are very essential to lead a meaningful and purposeful life in this sophisticated society. It is applicable in every walks of life to test whether it is right or wrong. Purposeful deceptions are everywhere in society from markets to religious institutions. But it can be checked and free from deceptions to harm us by developing Distinguishability and Understandability. It is the fundamental knowledge and common sense. But it is very interesting that Common Sense is not common to all. So it can be developed by rationality and morality.

Every decision in life must be allowed to send ‘Duel Test’, particularly important decisions in life. If both tests passed, then you can proceed further with enough confidence and surety. Also, it makes more meaning and satisfaction in your decisions. Decision-making ability completely depends upon your Distinguishability and Understandability. It is very mandatory for having a good and healthy individual for a peaceful society.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
Email : nithinaf@gmail.com

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