Becoming a Psychologist

Article No. 43

(A tribute to my teachers and friends on Psychology)

Beginning of my journey to becoming a psychologist is an accidental one. For me, a strong believer of God nothing happened in my life without an eternal purpose of God Almighty in heaven. I opted psychology for my master’s degree program, it was just for a sake of a choice, but now it is becoming a profession, way of life, the meaning of life, way of breadwinning etc. Two years back in ends of the year 2017, I was preparing for UPSC’s Civil Service Exam at Kerala State Civil Service Academy, Trivandrum. 

My favourite areas of study are Psychology of Abnormal, Social and Personality. Special interest in Psychological significance of Theology and Philosophy, and Family Structure and its influence in the development of Morality and Value System. 

My intellectual awareness developed while preparing for Civil Service Examination. I started to know the world, how it works, who is at front runners, how it like this, how we reached here, why systemic failures, how chaos and order works, why unimplementability occur, what are historic blunders, and so many fundamental knowledge received from my Civil Service Preparation. After completing this preparation I just elevated from merely a spectator of this world to a humble analyst of the world. Fundamental knowledge and critical analysis for Civil Service Mains exam help me think properly rather just watch or hear alone. Even though, I may or may not become an IAS/IFS/IPS officer, the fundamental information and knowledge during this Civil Service Examination is an asset to my entire life for having a meaningful and purposeful life with proper awareness about my surrounding.

All of my views and approaches developed primarily from the Bible. Secondarily, it is from the preparation of Civil Service Examination, Psychological studies and Philosophical studies. There are other influencing factors that shaped my views and approaches but these are determinants. 

Dr Jordan B. Peterson, professor and clinical psychologist at Toronto University Canada; for me he is the father of Psychology. His lectures made a strong foundation for my psychological studies. 

Times at Mar Ivanios College, IGNOU

My first class of Master’s Degree in Psychology taught by Mashook Sha sir. I remember him for his teachings of the Defense Mechanism of Psychoanalytical Theory. Also, his interventions in my confusions and sufferings to continue Clinical Psychology in the second year; it will explain later. He taught us Life Span Psychology & Personality: Theories and Assessment. Dr. D. Jayachandran taught Cognitive Psychology, Learning and Memory & Research Methods in Psychology. I remember him for his kind encouragement to peruse my research on family even though I am not married yet.

Most highlighting moments were debating on gender and family issues in modern life in Advanced Social Psychology class by Dr. Archana Chandran. Without her genuine guidance and support, my project could not be able to complete properly. I express my sincere gratitude from the bottom of my heart.  She was one of the best teachers that encourage students to debate on social issues. It was helpful very much not only to me but also all of them in the class. When I was debating and making arguments, my intellectual opponent Mrs. Sowmya B. Kurup leading opposite side made excellent counter-arguments, which really sharpened my arguments to the next level. With her counter-arguments, my arguments will be properly tested, which yield effective results to everybody in the class. Constructive criticism makes ideas better. I studied, tested & practised many things in the class even though it was limited in a few hours.

In the second year: Dr. Kiran Kumar taught Psychopathology, Dr. Jayachandran taught Psychodiagnostics and Dr. Leena S.T. taught Psychotherapeutic Methods. Thank you, teachers.

My classmates are Ajitha, Amina, Anil P.G., Anuja M.M., Beena Kumari K.C., Beena Mathew, Benzon K.B., Bhadranandan N., Dhanush V.S., Jasmin, Jaya V.S., Juby G.S., Manikandan G.S., Muhisina S., Pratima Paway, Premalatha, Radhakrishnan V., Raji Manoj, Reshmi, Retheesh R. Nair, Sanjay Wilson, Santhosh Kumar N.B., Sarath Kumar S., Sebu J. R., Shamnad S.N., Sheela, Shinod B. N., Siddarth H., Sindhu S., Smitha, Sowmya B. Kurup, Sreeja V. J., Sreejith R.K., Sreeju S.C., Dr. Suresh K. J., Susan Jacob, Udayan S., Vijaya Chandran N. (All available names are in alphabetical order, collected in the first year and apologized for any name missed). I had a very good relationship with most of these friends. They made this class a wonderful and amazing one. I realized that most of them are genuine in their character and free from double-dealing. As I was the only unmarried student in the class from regular attendees, I enjoyed all your encouragements, comments and opinions. I express my sincere deep gratitude here.

Struggles and sufferings to study Clinical Psychology

I assessed myself based on Big 5 Personality traits like this; I am high in Openness, low in Agreeableness, low in Extroversion, high in Conscientiousness and high in Neuroticism. High in Conscientiousness and high in Neuroticism is difficult to manage in certain life situations. From June to November 2019, I was passing through struggles and sufferings majorly related to some kind of midlife crisis affected me severely. I was literally suffering just after a failed attempt in Civil Service Preliminary Exam and UGC NET exam, and other subsequent issues. I have been criticized by family members and relatives. But most painful criticism from my father and brother, which is deeply painful and broke my heart and tear up my eyes. Mental pain (Psychological pain) is much painful than physical pain. Sometimes I felt that my mother too avoiding me. I am literally isolated and humiliated. The major single reason was about me that not reached a position with my age. But God was with me. Sometimes I could not sleep alone, my great mother helped me a lot. Navami, my Closest Spiritual Confidante also helped me. Here, I learn a lesson that life is complex, complicated and unpredictable, but we must be prepared to fight to unwelcoming surprises in life.

In the midst of all these issues, our second-year classes of Clinical Psychology started. The first day, Dr. Kiran Kumar taught Psychopathology. Just one hour after classes started I am getting tensed, sweated and started to worry that all symptoms he describes have in me. I could not sit in the class with a concentrated mind. I shared this problem with some of my classmates. I thought I could not study clinical psychology, so I thought to change my elective from Clinical Psychology to Counselling Psychology. This issue discussed with Mashooksha sir and Dr. Vrinda Vijay, my agency supervisor of Internship at Ananthapuri Hospital. And serious of events occurred by the grace of God, I decided not to give up but fight alone. I was realizing the importance of meaning and purpose in life rather than pleasure and suffering. Today, I look back from MHC, Peroorkada to these events, I am so amazed that how my life unfolded to me. Practical life lessons are much effective than from textbooks or case studies.

Internship and Training

In fact and technically both are same for me, each gave different experience and awareness to me. My internship at Ananthapuri Hospital, Trivandrum and after the course I went to Government Mental Health Centre, Oolampara, Trivandrum. Under Dr. Vrinda Vijay at Ananathapuri Hospital, I learn some basic lessons of Psychological interventions mostly among children. I got some fundamental ideas that help me to clinical practices. She was very sincere to me to help to become a psychologist and treat me very well. I express my sincere gratitude here. Dr. Nelson K.J. is very Influencial and helpful in my Clinical Experience at MHC, Trivandrum. Mrs. Sowmya gave me information about Dr. Nelson; it is a landmark in my psychological studies and interventions. Thank you Sowmya. I would like to write a detailed article on life at MHC latter after I left MHC. 

Final say

When learning different Schools of thoughts in Psychology like Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, Humanism, Functionalism, Structuralism etc. I personally like Existentialism very much. There is no doubt about the contributions of Psychoanalysis or CBT etc. But Victor Frankl’s Logo Therapy is best to make an individual become more productive in a future life with proper direction and confident. It says about the importance of meaning and purpose in life rather than pleasure and suffering.

Life has a definite meaning and purpose. The actualization of life can be experienced and achieved only by a meaningful and purposeful life. It is absolutely impossible without God in our life. Purpose of life can simply state that “Being more good to reach more order”. People born with chaos and vulnerabilities, but due to the socialization of religious study (Doctrine & Discipline) make them be more good. Meaning of life can simply state that "It's transcending in nature by Good, Right, Happy, Satisfied and Stable experiences as a human being". It is a fight between good and evil. We can either fight for good or evil. Noone can both. So fight for good with freewill. Effective life with meaning and purpose can be lead with rationality, morality and wisdom. Rationality is based on reason, morality based on religious doctrine and discipline, and wisdom from God. When people try to become more successful than good, it enhances chaos and eventually leads to a loss of purpose in life. Also when people see the physical world in limited nature of experiences by feelings and emotions, it further leads to a meaningless life. So God, Universe, Earth, Men & Women etc. have a cause, meaning and purpose.


I express my indebted gratitude to my father, mother and Brother, who have given me financial support to complete my course successfully in the last week. For me, my family is everything just after God. I am so kind of you all.

I am sincerely thankful to Mar Ivanios College, Trivandrum for being my study centre.

I also express my deep sense of gratitude to all members of Teaching as well as Non-Teaching Staff of Discipline of Psychology, Study Center and Regional Center of IGNOU.

I am sincerely thankful to all people such as friends, relatives, known and unknown persons, and living and dead personalities that help me and assist me to more meaningful and purposeful in the entire span of my lifetime so far.

I am grateful to My Batch Mates for their support, sincere help and co-operation to complete my study.

Above all I bow before the God Almighty for all the blessings that He shows on me at each and every moment, without which the study and life would not have been a success.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
Email :


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