Another side of Rape

Article No. 32

In India, there are almost 93 rape cases on average register across the country on a daily basis. However, there are much more rapes happening in other countries proportionally than India. The rapist must be prosecuted and punished, no doubt about that. But approach and treatment on rape issues not on the right and truthful direction. Rejecting reality is not only dangerous but also never going to solve the problem.

The fundamental question about a rape incident is that ‘How does the rapist and victim know each other?’ Answer to this question and based on such treatment will help to reduce rapes in a society. The severity of punishment on rape never going to reduce any future occurrence of rape crime or any crime. 86% of the cases recorded by NCRB (National Crimes Records Bureau) on rapes, the rapist and victims know each other for a long time and they are in the relationship including physical/sexual relationships. It means that most of the rapes/sexual-activity occur in mutual consent or interest of both. When they start any conflict between them, pleasure turns to rape. When this reality is being accepted by media, politicians, families, societies, people etc., then change approach and treatment accordingly will help to manage the problem.

Crimes in Society

About 20% of the population in any society across the world are pathologically criminals. It is distributed in such a way cross-culturally. No laws can heal this problem. Such individuals may not exhibit their criminal mentality to all circumstances, but it triggers when an opportunity comes in front of them or in favourable circumstance. Basic problem from the genetics of their genes in biological perspectives. This is evident that no crimes ever ceased in the historical analysis of mankind. The moral standard of the society must in the side of right and truth, not biased for political gain to politician or profit motive to media.

General society often indoctrinated by two powerful forces i.e. Medias and Politicians. They are interested in utilizing the emotional side of the people for their vested interest. They don’t bother about truth and right, but they need an emotional gain of people over grievances in society. Actually, they are encouraging the grievances of people as well as society. These two groups, both Media and Politician will be in trouble without their business of grievances of people. They never want to solve social problems, but they want to elevate social unrests and make gain out of that. This is one of the largest contemporary problems of society. People have the right to know both sides of an issue in a balanced way. But news and opinions of media and politicians come out to people with one-sided bias. Thus, people in the society are dangerously indoctrinated to untruth, it makes people to live in anxiety, depression, disappointment, uncertainty, unrest, grievances etc. 

Two groups of Evil Acts

Evil acts (rapes, crimes, violations, disobedience, etc.) can be broadly classified into two: 1. Internally Stimulated and 2. Externally Stimulated. People’s behaviour comes from either covert or overt. Here, all Internally Stimulated evil acts can be regulated by legislation with punishment, but all Externally Stimulated evil acts cannot be regulated by mere legislation with punishment. Stimulus leads to responses is the fundamental procedure, which develops behaviour or acts from a person. All behaviours are based on Stimulus-Response principle. A stimulus may be internally driven (covert) or externally driven (overt).

Internally Stimulated Evil Acts

For example, traffic violations are one of the most seen as Internally Stimulated Evil Acts. Our inner thoughts cause to violate red signal or not wearing a helmet or seat belt etc. This decision comes from our choice of free will. There is no other person or the environment generally cause you to make violation of traffic rules. Similarly, other Internally Stimulated Evil Acts such as theft, robbery, cheating, land encroachments, pollutions etc. Aggressions to evil acts based on Internally Stimulated reason mostly less stronger compared to Externally Stimulated Evil Acts.

Externally Stimulated Evil Acts

A most typical example of Externally Stimulated Evil Acts is sexual crimes. In Externally Stimulated Evil Acts, a person gets stimulation from another person or environment. Here, the source of stimulation plays a relevant role in causing to do evil acts. It cannot be ignored. If this aspect ignored, it never going to reduce Externally Stimulated Evil Acts. Similarly, other Externally Stimulated Evil Acts such as rapes, murder, extramarital affair, attacks on doctors and government officials, destruction of public property etc. Aggressions to evil acts based on Externally Stimulated reasons are much stronger than Internally Stimulated Evil Acts. Because it is not getting stimulation (provocation) from the same person internally, but coming from the external world.

Sexual violence (non-consensual) basically start from different kind of stimulations. It may start from seeing a film, picture, advertisements, improperly dressed women/girls (exposed/revealed kinds of dress i.e. purpose of clothing is not fulfilled - main reason) etc. Causes of stimulation may not react to the same person at the same instant in the most of the cases, it relieved later in some way or other way leads to sexual violence; i.e. victim may not be a cause of stimulation. It is clear that causes of stimulation to sexual violence start from one way or another way from another person or environment.

Sexual violence (consensual): More than 86% of the people in cases registered under rape in NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau); have a prior relationship between accused (male) and petitioner (female). Most of them having a different kind of sexual activities prior to this particular complaint. From this, it is evident that petitioner (women) had many times pleasure and lot of enjoyments and later turned into rape when she is denied to get previous enjoyment/pleasure/other kinds of gains or repentance of her wrongdoings in her life. Almost all sexual activities happen in mutual consent. Great unmarried men and great unmarried women will wait for their marital relationship for having sex. Great married men and great married women will limit their sexual desire in their marital relationship only. This makes them truly holy marital enjoyment and experiences with full potentials. It is also the wish of God.

In all most all Externally Stimulations of Evil Acts, there is only one choice that is to do an evil act. This is not based on rational analysis but it is releasing frustration or provocation as stimulation developed over a long period of time. It may be a spontaneous act or developed over a long period of time.

Way forward

We need Practical and Truthful solution that only help to solve the proliferation of rapes in society. Recent popular incidents of rapes in the country including Unnao, UP; says that both parties know each other for a long time. The accused gets bail based on the ground of the prior relationship between the accused and victim. They were married or preparing to marry, then the victim’s family or some village leader opposed this alliance, and eventually, all these mishaps occurred. For a rational analysis of rape, it is essential to study the point of view of both accused and victim. It will help to reach Practical and Truthful solution to this issue.

Some politicians and media accuse the Aggressive Masculinity of men. It is nonsense and lake of the wisdom of such people. Men taking the pledge that will not do rape is a foolish idea to treat rape issues. More than that framing all men are caused to rape is ridiculous. Men and women are not one and same, they never equal. They have a different brain, biological body, emotions, hormones, chromosomes, physical strength, sexual stimulation, approaches, etc. All these differences make them unequal. So solutions must be based on these facts, otherwise, it will not work at all.

3 Precautions from Rape

These three points aim not to make a rape free utopian society, but to protect our mother, sister, wife and daughter from rape.

Firstly, women must either avoid or take a male companion in isolated areas. It is better for women to have a male companion always from father, brother, son or husband. Feminism and equality of gender never going to protect our mother, sister, or wife. Secondly, all women must have first priority on the family over career. Children must get moral value system from family-based on God. Lastly, women must be more diligent in dealing with men. 86% of men will not put a hand on women without explicit or implicit consent. So women must know men’s natural behaviours and sexuality. This principle will help you in all the ways of life. Great unmarried men and great unmarried women will wait for their marital relationship for having sex. Great married men and great married women will limit their sexual desire in their marital relationship only. This makes them truly holy marital enjoyment and experiences with full potentials. It is also the wish of God.

Nithin A F
Doing Post Graduation in Psychology
Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
Email :


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